Contingency Table Based on Third Variable (Numeric)

Contingency table based on third variable (numeric)

You can use xtabs for that :

R> xtabs(Number~Customer+Product, data=input)

Customer 100001 100002 100003 100004 100008
1000001 0 1 0 2 0
1000002 0 0 3 0 0
1000003 0 1 1 0 1

Fill contingency table based on total variable

Here's a tidyverse solution. It relies on there being a net zero of each sku.

If that's the case, then we should be able to line up all the donated items (one row for each unit in the negative vars, sorted by sku) with all the received items (one row for each positive var, sorted by sku).
Consequently, the first 5 donated apples are matched with the first 5 received apples, and so on.

Then we total up the total for each sku between each donor and recipient pair and spread so each recipient gets a column.

Edit: corrected sign and added complete to match OP solution

output <- bind_cols(

# Donors, for whom var is negative
df %>% filter(var < 0) %>% uncount(-var) %>% select(-var) %>%
arrange(sku) %>% rename(donor = store),

# Recipients, for whom var is positive
df %>% filter(var > 0) %>% uncount(var) %>%
arrange(sku) %>% rename(recipient = store)) %>%

# Summarize and spread by column
count(donor, recipient, sku) %>%
complete(donor, recipient, sku, fill = list(n = 0)) %>%
mutate(recipient = paste0("ship_to_", recipient)) %>%
spread(recipient, n, fill = 0)

> output
# A tibble: 6 x 8
donor sku ship_to_a ship_to_b ship_to_c ship_to_d ship_to_e ship_to_f
<fct> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 a apple 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 b apple 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 c apple 1 4 0 0 1 0
4 d apple 0 0 0 0 1 0
5 e apple 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 f apple 0 0 0 0 3 0

How to make a contingency table where one variable is categorized based on given breaks

DF <- read.table(text="ID  Card.Type  Mount
001 Basic 500
002 Basic 400
003 Basic 700
004 Basic 1000
005 Silver 1200
006 Silver 1300
007 Basic 800
008 Silver 1400
009 Gold 2500
0010 Gold 5000
0012 Gold 7000
0013 Gold 15000",header=TRUE)

DF$inter <- cut(DF$Mount,c(-1,100,500,1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,Inf))

# Card.Type (-1,100] (100,500] (500,1e+03] (1e+03,2e+03] (2e+03,3e+03] (3e+03,4e+03] (4e+03,5e+03] (5e+03,Inf]
# Basic 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 0
# Gold 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2
# Silver 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0

Two way table with mean of a third variable R

It seems you want Excel like pivot table. Here package pivottabler helps much. See, it generates nice html tables too (apart from displaying results)

qpvt(df, "Country", "Stars", "mean(Price)")

2 3 4 5 Total
Canada 453 786 499.5 687 585
China 445.5 234 1200 987 662.4
Russia 560.5 673 598
Total 448 543.666666666667 709 837 614.0625

for formatting use format argument

qpvt(df, "Country", "Stars", "mean(Price)", format = "%.2f")
2 3 4 5 Total
Canada 453.00 786.00 499.50 687.00 585.00
China 445.50 234.00 1200.00 987.00 662.40
Russia 560.50 673.00 598.00
Total 448.00 543.67 709.00 837.00 614.06

for html output use qhpvt instead.

qhpvt(df, "Country", "Stars", "mean(Price)")

Sample Image

Note: tidyverse and baseR methods are also possible and are easy too

Create contingency table with multi-rows

Here's a solution with plyr and data.table.

# needed packages
# find the combinations in each of the bills
combs <- ddply(df, .(bill), function(x){
colnames(combs) <- c("bill", "prod1", "prod2")
# combine these
res <- data.table(combs, key=c("prod1", "prod2"))[, .N, by=list(prod1, prod2)]

Create contingency tablel based on users input - Rshiny

You have a few syntax errors. First, the inputID for Ygroup2 was still selected_Ygroup1. Second, dplyr:filter() will not reference the dplyr package as it should be dplyr::filter() - that is double colon. Lastly, your variables should not be input$Xgroup1 but actually be input$selected_Xgroup1, and so on. Also, it is better to have eventReactive instead of reactive. Try this

# Shiny

# Data

# Plots

# Stats cohen.d wilcox.test

not_sel <- "Not selected"

## UI
ui <- navbarPage(
title = "Plotter",
title = "Inputs",
fileInput("xlsx_input", "Select XLSX file to import", accept = c(".xlsx")),
selectInput("num_var_1", "Variable X axis", choices = c(not_sel)), # X variable num_var_1
selectInput("num_var_2", "Variable Y axis", choices = c(not_sel)),
selectInput("biomarker", "Select biomarker", choices = c(not_sel)), uiOutput("factor"),
uiOutput("Xgroup1"),uiOutput("Xgroup2"), uiOutput("Ygroup1"), uiOutput("Ygroup2"),
actionButton("run_button", "Run Analysis", icon = icon("play"))
title = "Statistics",

## Server

server <- function(input, output){

# Dynamic selection of the data. We allow the user to input the data that they want
data_input <- reactive({
#inFile <- input$xlsx_input
#read_excel(inFile$datapath, 1)

# We update the choices available for each of the variables
choices <- c(not_sel, names(data_input()))
updateSelectInput(inputId = "num_var_1", choices = choices)
updateSelectInput(inputId = "num_var_2", choices = choices)
updateSelectInput(inputId = "biomarker", choices = choices)

num_var_1 <- eventReactive(input$run_button, input$num_var_1)
num_var_2 <- eventReactive(input$run_button, input$num_var_2)
biomarker <- eventReactive(input$run_button, input$biomarker)

## Update variables

# Factor for the biomarker
output$factor <- renderUI({
req(input$biomarker, data_input())
if (input$biomarker != not_sel) {
b <- unique(data_input()[[input$biomarker]])
pickerInput(inputId = 'selected_factors',
label = 'Select factors',
choices = c(b[1:length(b)]), selected=b[1], multiple = TRUE,
# choices = c("NONE",b[1:length(b)]), selected="NONE", If we want "NONE" to appear as the first option
# multiple = TRUE, ## if you wish to select multiple factor values; then deselect NONE
options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE)) #options = list(`style` = "btn-warning"))

output$Xgroup1 <- renderUI({
req(input$num_var_1, data_input())
c <- unique(data_input()[[input$num_var_1]])
pickerInput(inputId = 'selected_Xgroup1',
label = 'Select group for statistics',
choices = c(c[1:length(c)]), selected=c[1], multiple = TRUE,
options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE)) #options = list(`style` = "btn-warning"))

output$Xgroup2 <- renderUI({
req(input$num_var_1, data_input())
d <- unique(data_input()[[input$num_var_1]])
pickerInput(inputId = 'selected_Xgroup2',
label = 'Select group for statistics',
choices = c(d[1:length(d)]), selected=d[1], multiple = TRUE,
options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE)) #options = list(`style` = "btn-warning"))

output$Ygroup1 <- renderUI({
req(input$num_var_2, data_input())
c <- unique(data_input()[[input$num_var_2]])
pickerInput(inputId = 'selected_Ygroup1',
label = 'Select group for statistics',
choices = c(c[1:length(c)]), selected=c[1], multiple = TRUE,
options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE)) #options = list(`style` = "btn-warning"))

output$Ygroup2 <- renderUI({
req(input$num_var_2, data_input())
c <- unique(data_input()[[input$num_var_2]])
pickerInput(inputId = 'selected_Ygroup2',
label = 'Select group for statistics',
choices = c(c[1:length(c)]), selected=c[1], multiple = TRUE,
options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE)) #options = list(`style` = "btn-warning"))


data_stats <- eventReactive(input$run_button, {
req(data_input(), input$num_var_1, input$num_var_2, input$biomarker, input$selected_factors)
# We filter by biomarker in case user selected, otherwise data_input() remains the same
if (input$biomarker != "Not Selected") df <- data_input()[data_input()[[input$biomarker]] %in% input$selected_factors,]
else df <- data_input()
a <- df %>%
dplyr::filter(.data[[input$num_var_1]] %in% input$selected_Xgroup1) %>%
dplyr::filter(.data[[input$num_var_2]] %in% input$selected_Ygroup1) %>%
b <- df %>%
dplyr::filter(.data[[input$num_var_1]] %in% input$selected_Xgroup2) %>%
dplyr::filter(.data[[input$num_var_2]] %in% input$selected_Ygroup1) %>%
c <- df %>%
dplyr::filter(.data[[input$num_var_1]] %in% input$selected_Xgroup1) %>%
dplyr::filter(.data[[input$num_var_2]] %in% input$selected_Ygroup2) %>%
d <- df %>%
dplyr::filter(.data[[input$num_var_1]] %in% input$selected_Xgroup2) %>%
dplyr::filter(.data[[input$num_var_2]] %in% input$selected_Ygroup2) %>%

data <-,b,c,d), nrow= 2, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE))
m <- matrix(unlist(data), 2)

output$test <- renderPrint(data_stats())


shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)


Create contingency table that displays the frequency distribution of pairs of variables

You could do

sapply(split(df, df$gender), function(x) colSums(x[names(x)!="gender"]))    

#> 0 1
#> Horror 1 1
#> Thriller 1 3
#> Comedy 0 0
#> Romantic 0 0
#> 1 3

Construct 3-way contingency table in R

You can try to reshape your data using dcast from data.table

dcast(data, age + Breathless ~ wheeze, value.var = "count")

Building contingency table

Assuming you want to group the P1 & P2 columns as A and the P3 & P4 columns as B, you could approach it as follows with the data.table-package:

DT <- melt(melt(setDT(df),
measure.vars = list(c(2,3),c(4,5)), = c("A","B")),
id = 1, measure.vars = 3:4, = 'group'
)[order(Id,group)][, val2 := value]

DT[CJ(Id = Id, group = group, value = value, unique = TRUE)
, on = .(Id, group, value)
][, .(counts = sum(!, by = .(Id, group, value)]

which results in:

    Id group value counts
1: G1 A -2 0
2: G1 A -1 0
3: G1 A 0 2
4: G1 A 1 1
5: G1 A 2 1
6: G1 B -2 0
7: G1 B -1 1
8: G1 B 0 1
9: G1 B 1 0
10: G1 B 2 2
11: G2 A -2 1
12: G2 A -1 0
13: G2 A 0 2
14: G2 A 1 1
15: G2 A 2 0
16: G2 B -2 0
17: G2 B -1 1
18: G2 B 0 1
19: G2 B 1 1
20: G2 B 2 1
21: G3 A -2 0
22: G3 A -1 0
23: G3 A 0 3
24: G3 A 1 1
25: G3 A 2 0
26: G3 B -2 0
27: G3 B -1 1
28: G3 B 0 3
29: G3 B 1 0
30: G3 B 2 0

Used data:

df <- read.table(text="Id       P1   P2   P3    P4   
G1 1 0 -1 2
G2 0 -2 2 0
G3 0 1 0 -1
G1 0 2 2 0
G2 0 1 1 -1
G3 0 0 0 0", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

Note that I omitted the 'Group'-row because you stated in the comments that these were just to indicated to which groups the P1 - P4 columns should belong.

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