Extracting Zip+CSV File from Attachment W/ Image in Body of Email

Extracting Zip+CSV file from attachment w/ Image in Body of Email

email$Attachments(1)$SaveAsFile(attachment_file) will save the first attachment to the file path defined by attachment_file, according to some unknown ordering. If you're sure there'll only be one file with a ".zip" extension then you can use the FileName method to check that the name of the attachment contains ".zip":

attachment_file <- tempfile()

for (i in 1:email$Attachments()$Count()) {
attachment <- email$Attachments(i)
if (grepl(".zip", attachment$FileName(), ignore.case = TRUE)) {

Reading Email Attachment to R

Try putting Sys.sleep(5) (if that doesn't work, try Sys.sleep(10))in between saving as results, and results$Item(1)$ReceivedTime(). I think it needs time to process in between.

results <- search$Results() # Saves search results into results object

Sys.sleep(5) # Wait a hot sec!

results$Item(1)$ReceivedTime() # Received time of first search result

as.Date("1899-12-30") + floor(results$Item(1)$ReceivedTime()) # Received date

# Iterates through results object to pull out all of the items
for (i in 1:results$Count()) {
if (as.Date("1899-12-30") + floor(results$Item(i)$ReceivedTime())
== as.Date(Sys.Date())) {
email <- results$Item(i)

Extract Zipped file from Outlook mail

Try saving the zip file first then extract it, if you want to delete the zip file then try Kill (zippath & zipname )

    Dim TempFile As String

For Each msg In SubFolder.Items
If msg.UnRead = True Then
If LCase(msg.Subject) Like "*motor*" Then
For Each Atchmt In msg.Attachments
If (Right(Atchmt.FileName, 3) = "zip") Then
' MsgBox "1"
FileNameFolder = "C:\Temp\Folders\"

Debug.Print FileNameFolder ' Immediate Window
Debug.Print Atchmt.FileName ' Immediate Window

TempFile = FileNameFolder & Atchmt.FileName

Atchmt.SaveAsFile TempFile

Set oApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
oApp.NameSpace((FileNameFolder)).CopyHere oApp.NameSpace((Atchmt.FileName)).Items

Kill (TempFile)

End If
End If
End If

Add Attachment base64 image in MailMessage and read it in html body

To embed image into your mail message: (Its not same as adding an attachment file to message)

You dont need to convert image to base64 if you are using system.net.mail namespace to send your mail.

var mail = new MailMessage();
var imageToInline = new LinkedResource("Your image full path", MediaTypeNames.Image.Jpeg);
imageToInline.ContentId = "MyImage";


This is somewhat hacky way of embedding image to your mailMessage.

Byte[] bitmapData = Convert.FromBase64String(FixBase64ForImage("Your base64 image string"));
System.IO.MemoryStream streamBitmap = new System.IO.MemoryStream(bitmapData);

public static string FixBase64ForImage(string Image)
System.Text.StringBuilder sbText = new System.Text.StringBuilder(Image, Image.Length);
sbText.Replace("\r\n", string.Empty); sbText.Replace(" ", string.Empty);
return sbText.ToString();

var mail = new MailMessage();
var imageToInline = new LinkedResource(streamBitmap , MediaTypeNames.Image.Jpeg);
imageToInline.ContentId = "MyImage";

And your html mail body should have following tag:

 <img alt ="" src ="cid:MyImage"/>

How to download outlook attachment from Python Script?

import email
import imaplib
import os

class FetchEmail():

connection = None
error = None
def __init__(self, mail_server, username, password):
self.connection = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(mail_server)
self.connection.login(username, password)
self.connection.select(readonly=False) # so we can mark mails as read

def close_connection(self):
Close the connection to the IMAP server

def save_attachment(self, msg, download_folder="/tmp"):
Given a message, save its attachments to the specified
download folder (default is /tmp)

return: file path to attachment
att_path = "No attachment found."
for part in msg.walk():
if part.get_content_maintype() == 'multipart':
if part.get('Content-Disposition') is None:

filename = part.get_filename()
att_path = os.path.join(download_folder, filename)

if not os.path.isfile(att_path):
fp = open(att_path, 'wb')
return att_path

def fetch_unread_messages(self):
Retrieve unread messages
emails = []
(result, messages) = self.connection.search(None, 'UnSeen')
if result == "OK":
for message in messages[0].split(' '):
ret, data = self.connection.fetch(message,'(RFC822)')
print "No new emails to read."

msg = email.message_from_string(data[0][1])
if isinstance(msg, str) == False:
response, data = self.connection.store(message, '+FLAGS','\\Seen')

return emails

self.error = "Failed to retrieve emails."
return emails

Above code works for me to download attachment. Hope this really helpful for any one.

Getting mail attachment to python file object

I don't really understand what you mean by "email multipart message object". Do you mean an object belonging to the email.message.Message class?

If that is what you mean, it's straightforward. On a multipart message, the get_payload method returns a list of message parts (each of which is itself a Message object). You can iterate over these parts and examine their properties: for example, the get_content_type method returns the part's MIME type, and the get_filename method returns the part's filename (if any is specified in the message). Then when you've found the correct message part, you can call get_payload(decode=True) to get the decoded contents.

>>> import email
>>> msg = email.message_from_file(open('message.txt'))
>>> len(msg.get_payload())
>>> attachment = msg.get_payload()[1]
>>> attachment.get_content_type()
>>> open('attachment.png', 'wb').write(attachment.get_payload(decode=True))

If you're programmatically extracting attachments from email messages you have received, you might want to take precautions against viruses and trojans. In particular, you probably ought only to extract attachments whose MIME types you know are safe, and you probably want to pick your own filename, or at least sanitize the output of get_filename.

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