What Is Vectorization

What is vectorization?

Many CPUs have "vector" or "SIMD" instruction sets which apply the same operation simultaneously to two, four, or more pieces of data. Modern x86 chips have the SSE instructions, many PPC chips have the "Altivec" instructions, and even some ARM chips have a vector instruction set, called NEON.

"Vectorization" (simplified) is the process of rewriting a loop so that instead of processing a single element of an array N times, it processes (say) 4 elements of the array simultaneously N/4 times.

I chose 4 because it's what modern hardware is most likely to directly support for 32-bit floats or ints.

The difference between vectorization and loop unrolling:
Consider the following very simple loop that adds the elements of two arrays and stores the results to a third array.

for (int i=0; i<16; ++i)
C[i] = A[i] + B[i];

Unrolling this loop would transform it into something like this:

for (int i=0; i<16; i+=4) {
C[i] = A[i] + B[i];
C[i+1] = A[i+1] + B[i+1];
C[i+2] = A[i+2] + B[i+2];
C[i+3] = A[i+3] + B[i+3];

Vectorizing it, on the other hand, produces something like this:

for (int i=0; i<16; i+=4)
addFourThingsAtOnceAndStoreResult(&C[i], &A[i], &B[i]);

Where "addFourThingsAtOnceAndStoreResult" is a placeholder for whatever intrinsic(s) your compiler uses to specify vector instructions.


Note that most modern ahead-of-time compilers are able to auto vectorize very simple loops like this, which can often be enabled via a compile option (on by default with full optimization in modern C and C++ compilers, like gcc -O3 -march=native). OpenMP #pragma omp simd is sometimes helpful to hint the compiler, especially for "reduction" loops like summing an FP array where vectorization requires pretending that FP math is associative.

More complex algorithms still require help from the programmer to generate good vector code; we call this manual vectorization, often with intrinsics like x86 _mm_add_ps that map to a single machine instruction as in SIMD prefix sum on Intel cpu or How to count character occurrences using SIMD. Or even use SIMD for short non-looping problems like Most insanely fastest way to convert 9 char digits into an int or unsigned int or How to convert a binary integer number to a hex string?

The term "vectorization" is also used to describe a higher level software transformation where you might just abstract away the loop altogether and just describe operating on arrays instead of the elements that comprise them. e.g. writing C = A + B in some language that allows that when those are arrays or matrices, unlike C or C++. In lower-level languages like that, you could describe calling BLAS or Eigen library functions instead of manually writing loops as a vectorized programming style. Some other answers on this question focus on that meaning of vectorization, and higher-level languages.

Why is vectorization, faster in general, than loops?

Vectorization (as the term is normally used) refers to SIMD (single instruction, multiple data) operation.

That means, in essence, that one instruction carries out the same operation on a number of operands in parallel. For example, to multiply a vector of size N by a scalar, let's call M the number of operands that size that it can operate on simultaneously. If so, then the number of instructions it needs to execute is approximately N/M, where (with purely scalar operations) it would have to carry out N operations.

For example, Intel's current AVX 2 instruction set uses 256-bit registers. These can be used to hold (and operate on) a set of 4 operands of 64-bits apiece, or 8 operands of 32 bits apiece.

So, assuming you're dealing with 32-bit, single-precision real numbers, that means a single instruction can do 8 operations (multiplications, in your case) at once, so (at least in theory) you can finish N multiplications using only N/8 multiplication instructions. At least, in theory, this should allow the operation to finish about 8 times as fast as executing one instruction at a time would allow.

Of course, the exact benefit depends on how many operands you support per instruction. Intel's first attempts only supported 64-bit registers, so to operate on 8 items at once, those items could only be 8 bits apiece. They currently support 256-bit registers, and they've announced support for 512-bit (and they may have even shipped that in a few high-end processors, but not in normal consumer processors, at least yet). Making good use of this capability can also be non-trivial, to put it mildly. Scheduling instructions so you actually have N operands available and in the right places at the right times isn't necessarily an easy task (at all).

To put things in perspective, the (now ancient) Cray 1 gained a lot of its speed exactly this way. Its vector unit operated on sets of 64 registers of 64 bits apiece, so it could do 64 double-precision operations per clock cycle. On optimally vectorized code, it was much closer to the speed of a current CPU than you might expect based solely on its (much lower) clock speed. Taking full advantage of that wasn't always easy though (and still isn't).

Keep in mind, however, that vectorization is not the only way in which a CPU can carry out operations in parallel. There's also the possibility of instruction-level parallelism, which allows a single CPU (or the single core of a CPU) to execute more than one instruction at a time. Most modern CPUs include hardware to (theoretically) execute up to around 4 instructions per clock cycle1 if the instructions are a mix of loads, stores, and ALU. They can fairly routinely execute close to 2 instructions per clock on average, or more in well-tuned loops when memory isn't a bottleneck.

Then, of course, there's multi-threading--running multiple streams of instructions on (at least logically) separate processors/cores.

So, a modern CPU might have, say, 4 cores, each of which can execute 2 vector multiplies per clock, and each of those instructions can operate on 8 operands. So, at least in theory, it can be carrying out 4 * 2 * 8 = 64 operations per clock.

Some instructions have better or worse throughput. For example, FP adds throughput is lower than FMA or multiply on Intel before Skylake (1 vector per clock instead of 2). But boolean logic like AND or XOR has 3 vectors per clock throughput; it doesn't take many transistors to build an AND/XOR/OR execution unit, so CPUs replicate them. Bottlenecks on the total pipeline width (the front-end that decodes and issues into the out-of-order part of the core) are common when using high-throughput instructions, rather than bottlenecks on a specific execution unit.

  1. But, over time CPUs tend to have more resources available, so this number rises.

What does vectorization mean?

Vectorization means that the compiler detects that your independent instructions can be executed as one SIMD instruction. Usual example is that if you do something like

for(i=0; i<N; i++){
a[i] = a[i] + b[i];

It will be vectorized as (using vector notation)

for (i=0; i<(N-N%VF); i+=VF){
a[i:i+VF] = a[i:i+VF] + b[i:i+VF];

Basically the compiler picks one operation that can be done on VF elements of the array at the same time and does this N/VF times instead of doing the single operation N times.

It increases performance, but puts more requirement on the architecture.

Understanding numpy's vectorization of loops

numpy doesn't do anything like that.

The term vectorization in numpy context means that you make numpy work on your array directly rather than making a loop yourself. It is usually then passed to what is call "universal functions", or "ufunc" for short. These functions are C functions that will process in C in a C for loop the operation that is intended.

But it usually cannot do any ISA vectorization. The reason is that these functions are universal for all types of arrays, dense or views on these dense arrays. As such, due to the pattern that is used, you cannot expect vectorization.

If you want ISA vectorized numpy calls, you can use numba which JIT can JIT (and thus really ISA vectorize). There is another project that would use one of Intel's libraries, but I can't find it anymore.

How do I know a function or an operation in R is vectorized?

Vectorization in R basically means that any looping is moved to a faster, compiled language such as C or FORTRAN. For that to occur the vector(s) in question should be "atomic" - i.e. it should be "flat" and homogeneous - and the vector type, which you can check with typeof(), should make sense for the operation(s) being performed. If it is atomic then it is vectorized.

You can check if a vector is atomic using is.atomic(). Another type of vector that is not vectorized is called "recursive", which you can check using is.recursive(). Recursive objects can contain other objects of any type, i.e. they can be heterogeneous. Lists and data frames are recursive.

Try something like the following to gain some insight into atomic vs. recursive:

# Atomic:
c("a", "b", "c")
c(T, F, T)

# Recursive:
list(nums = 1:3, letts = c("a", "b", "c"), logics = c(T, F, T))
data.frame(nums = 1:3, letts = c("a", "b", "c"), logics = c(T, F, T))

# Vectors can be atomic or recursive:
is.vector(1:9) # TRUE
is.atomic(1:9) # TRUE
is.recursive(1:9) # FALSE

is.vector(list(nums = 1:9, chars = "x")) # TRUE
is.atomic(list(1:9)) # FALSE
is.recursive(list(1:9)) # TRUE

# Matrices are atomic, data frames are recursive:
is.vector(matrix(1:9, 3)) # FALSE
is.atomic(matrix(1:9, 3)) # TRUE
is.recursive(matrix(1:9, 3)) # FALSE

is.vector(as.data.frame(matrix(1:9, 3))) # FALSE
is.atomic(as.data.frame(matrix(1:9, 3))) # FALSE
is.recursive(as.data.frame(matrix(1:9, 3))) # TRUE

I think you can assume that many, if not most, of the R functions that you use most frequently are vectorized. I don't think there is any way to check this other than by looking at the documentation or the function internals. Whenever you think about writing a for loop to do simple element-wise operations, think about how to do it using vectorization. With enough practice it will become second nature to you. For more details I can recommend this blog post from Noam Ross.

Does the term vectorization mean different things in different contexts?

"Vectorization" in R, is a vector processing in R's interpreter's view. Take the function cumsum as an example. On entry, R interpreter sees that a vector x is passed into this function. However, the work is then passed to C language that R interpreter can not analyze / track. While C is doing work, R is just waiting. By the time that R's interpreter comes back to work, a vector has been processed. So in R's view, it has issued a single instruction but processed a vector. This is an analogy to the concept of SIMD - "single instruction, multiple data".

Not just the cumsum function that takes a vector and returns a vector is seen as "vectorization" in R, functions like sum that takes a vector and returns a scalar is also a "vectorization".

Simply put: whenever R calls some compiled code for a loop, it is a "vectorization". If you wonder why this kind of "vectorization" is useful, it is because a loop written by a compiled language is faster than a loop written in an interpreted language. The C loop is translated to machine language that a CPU can understand. However, if a CPU wants to execute an R loop, it needs R's interpreter's help to read it, iteration by iteration. This is like, if you know Chinese (the hardest human language), you can respond to someone speaking Chinese to you faster; otherwise, you need a translator to first translator Chinese to you sentence after sentence in English, then you respond in English, and the translator make it back to Chinese sentence by sentence. The effectiveness of communication is largely reduced.

x <- runif(1e+7)

## R loop
sumx <- 0
for (x0 in x) sumx <- sumx + x0
# user system elapsed
# 1.388 0.000 1.347

## C loop
# user system elapsed
# 0.032 0.000 0.030

Be aware that "vectorization" in R is just an analogy to SIMD but not a real one. A real SIMD uses CPU's vector registers for computations hence is a true parallel computing via data parallelism. R is not a language where you can program CPU registers; you have to write compiled code or assembly code for that purpose.

R's "vectorization" does not care how a loop written in a compiled language is really executed; after all that is beyond R's interpreter's knowledge. Regarding whether these compiled code will be executed with SIMD, read Does R leverage SIMD when doing vectorized calculations?

More on "vectorization" in R

I am not a Julia user, but Bogumił Kamiński has demonstrated an impressive feature of that language: loop fusion. Julia can do this, because, as he points out, "vectorization in Julia is implemented in Julia", not outside the language.

This reveals a downside of R's vectorization: speed often comes at a price of memory usage. I am not saying that Julia won't have this problem (as I don't use it, I don't know), but this is definitely true for R.

Here is an example: Fastest way to compute row-wise dot products between two skinny tall matrices in R. rowSums(A * B) is a "vectorization" in R, as both "*" and rowSums are coded in C language as a loop. However, R can not fuse them into a single C loop to avoid generating the temporary matrix C = A * B into RAM.

Another example is R's recycling rule or any computations relying on such rule. For example, when you add a scalar a to a matrix A by A + a, what really happens is that a is first replicated to be a matrix B that has the same dimension with A, i.e., B <- matrix(a, nrow(A), ncol(A)), then an addition between two matrices are calculated: A + B. Clearly the generation of the temporary matrix B is undesired, but sorry, you can't do it better unless you write your own C function for A + a and call it in R. This is described as "such a fusion is possible only if explicitly implemented" in Bogumił Kamiński's answer.

To deal with the memory effects of many temporary results, R has a sophisticated mechanism called "garbage collection". It helps, but memory can still explode if you generate some really big temporary result somewhere in your code. A good example is the function outer. I have written many answers using this function, but it is particularly memory-unfriendly.

I might have been off-topic in this edit, as I begin to discuss the side effect of "vectorization". Use it with care.

  • Put memory usage in mind; there might be a more memory efficient vectorized implementation. For example, as mentioned in the linked thread on row-wise dot products between two matrices, c(crossprod(x, y)) is better than sum(x * y).
  • Be prepared to use CRAN R packages that have compiled code. If you find existing vectorized functions in R limited to do your task, explore CRAN for possible R packages that can do it. You can ask a question with your coding bottleneck on Stack Overflow, and somebody may point you to the right function in the right package.
  • Be happy to write your own compiled code.

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