How to Execute Python Code from Within Visual Studio Code

How to execute Python code from within Visual Studio Code

Here is how to configure Task Runner in Visual Studio Code to run a .py file.

In your console, press Ctrl + Shift + P (Windows) or Cmd + Shift + P (Apple). This brings up a search box where you search for "Configure Task Runner"

Sample Image

If this is the first time you open the "Task: Configure Task Runner", you need to select "other" at the bottom of the next selection list.

This will bring up the properties which you can then change to suit your preference. In this case you want to change the following properties;

  1. Change the Command property from "tsc" (TypeScript) to "Python"
  2. Change showOutput from "silent" to "Always"
  3. Change args (Arguments) from ["Helloworld.ts"] to ["${file}"] (filename)
  4. Delete the last property problemMatcher
  5. Save the changes made

Sample Image

You can now open your .py file and run it nicely with the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + B (Windows) or Cmd + Shift + B (Apple).

Running python script in Visual Studio Code; how to get `input ()` to work?


You will need to run your script from the command-line (terminal), instead of directly in Visual Studio Code, if you would like to interact with the program as a normal user would.

> python


The output displayed inside Visual Studio Code is not meant to be used for interacting with the underlying script, nor does it have the capability to read any input directly from your keyboard (it simply shows the output of whatever you have decided to run).


What you could do is to edit your task-file to automatically spawn a terminal of your choosing instead of running the python-interpreter directly.

Depending on what operating system you are on, and the terminals available, the edits required to do this might look a little different, but they should all follow the same pattern.

"version": "0.1.0",
"command": "urxvt",
"isShellCommand": false,
"showOutput": "always",
"args": [ "-e", "python ${file}" ]

In the above, urxvt is the name of my choice for terminal, -e is the flag required to pass a command that is to be executed upon startup, and python ${file} is the command to execute.

My recommendation is to get the command necessary to fire up a new terminal, and directly execute a python script, working elsewhere before editing your task-file.

Current shortcut to run Python in VS Code

I'm using Windows so i can't give you a specific answer. But Code > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts, search with keyword run python file, you will get related shortcuts.

Running Python File via shortcut in vscode

File --> Python --> Keyboard shortcuts

Search for 'Python:Run Python File in Terminal'. You can configure your own convenient keyboard shortcuts.

Visual Studio Code: How to choose cmd terminal for execution of Python files

This is a bug in v1.60.0 and it will be fixed in next release.

See bug report: Python extension does not honor default terminal type

Run Code vs Run Python File in Terminal for VSCODE

Solved it myself - the answer was simply here:

How to execute Python code from within Visual Studio Code

I needed to change the path of the code-runner in the settings.json file as that was activated.

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