What Are the Differences Between JSON and Simplejson Python Modules

What are the differences between json and simplejson Python modules?

json is simplejson, added to the stdlib. But since json was added in 2.6, simplejson has the advantage of working on more Python versions (2.4+).

simplejson is also updated more frequently than Python, so if you need (or want) the latest version, it's best to use simplejson itself, if possible.

A good practice, in my opinion, is to use one or the other as a fallback.

import simplejson as json
except ImportError:
import json

What's the main difference between simplejson and the module in the standard library of python?

json in the standard library is simplejson, only bit older version, maintained more slowly. As for which to use, stdlib json unless you have a good reason not to.

Python 2.7 on App Engine, simplejson vs native json, who's faster?

Before the release of the Python 2.7 runtime, nearly every module included with App Engine, and literally every module you could include yourself were pure python. With the 2.7 release, the json module includes speedups written in C, making it much faster than any simplejson you can run on App Engine.

The benefits to using simplejson on 2.7 you get normally (mainly having a version that's newer than it was when the latest release of Python 2.7 was made) don't apply, since you can't compile the speedups in the latest version and deploy them to App Engine.

What is the difference between json.load() and json.loads() functions

Yes, s stands for string. The json.loads function does not take the file path, but the file contents as a string. Look at the documentation.

Is JSON library part of python by default or is it external package. Is simplejson a different package than Json

Your error doesn't have anything to do with your question. This is a simple matter of Python namespacing: the function is json.dumps not json_dumps.

However, json has been a part of the standard library since 2.5. simplejson is a separate library. Unless you know you need it, you should use json.

How can I replace simplejson with json in django python?

According to this answer, json is simplejson. However, according to this release note, there might be some incompatibilities depending on which version of simplejson you are currently using. Either way, you will want to replace simplejson with json at some point. Just make sure you test your code before pushing it out to production.

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