What Does Hash Do in Python

What does hash do in python?

A hash is an fixed sized integer that identifies a particular value. Each value needs to have its own hash, so for the same value you will get the same hash even if it's not the same object.

>>> hash("Look at me!")
>>> f = "Look at me!"
>>> hash(f)

Hash values need to be created in such a way that the resulting values are evenly distributed to reduce the number of hash collisions you get. Hash collisions are when two different values have the same hash. Therefore, relatively small changes often result in very different hashes.

>>> hash("Look at me!!")

These numbers are very useful, as they enable quick look-up of values in a large collection of values. Two examples of their use are Python's set and dict. In a list, if you want to check if a value is in the list, with if x in values:, Python needs to go through the whole list and compare x with each value in the list values. This can take a long time for a long list. In a set, Python keeps track of each hash, and when you type if x in values:, Python will get the hash-value for x, look that up in an internal structure and then only compare x with the values that have the same hash as x.

The same methodology is used for dictionary lookup. This makes lookup in set and dict very fast, while lookup in list is slow. It also means you can have non-hashable objects in a list, but not in a set or as keys in a dict. The typical example of non-hashable objects is any object that is mutable, meaning that you can change its value. If you have a mutable object it should not be hashable, as its hash then will change over its life-time, which would cause a lot of confusion, as an object could end up under the wrong hash value in a dictionary.

Note that the hash of a value only needs to be the same for one run of Python. In Python 3.3 they will in fact change for every new run of Python:

$ /opt/python33/bin/python3
Python 3.3.2 (default, Jun 17 2013, 17:49:21)
[GCC 4.6.3] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> hash("foo")
$ /opt/python33/bin/python3
Python 3.3.2 (default, Jun 17 2013, 17:49:21)
[GCC 4.6.3] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> hash("foo")

This is to make is harder to guess what hash value a certain string will have, which is an important security feature for web applications etc.

Hash values should therefore not be stored permanently. If you need to use hash values in a permanent way you can take a look at the more "serious" types of hashes, cryptographic hash functions, that can be used for making verifiable checksums of files etc.

How to implement a good __hash__ function in python

__hash__ should return the same value for objects that are equal. It also shouldn't change over the lifetime of the object; generally you only implement it for immutable objects.

A trivial implementation would be to just return 0. This is always correct, but performs badly.

Your solution, returning the hash of a tuple of properties, is good. But note that you don't need to list all properties that you compare in __eq__ in the tuple. If some property usually has the same value for inequal objects, just leave it out. Don't make the hash computation any more expensive than it needs to be.

Edit: I would recommend against using xor to mix hashes in general. When two different properties have the same value, they will have the same hash, and with xor these will cancel eachother out. Tuples use a more complex calculation to mix hashes, see tuplehash in tupleobject.c.

How does python compute the hash of a tuple

If I have a tuple with many elements, is its hash calculated from its elements' ids or its elements' content?

Neither. It is calculated on the basis of the hashes of these elements, not their "contents" (values/attributes), nor IDs.

The basics: why hashes are used the way they are

Take a look at this paragraph in python's documentation glossary.

Whether something is hashable or not, and how it is hashed, depends on the implementation of its __hash__() method. By itself, Python has no idea about mutability of an object. It's the implementation that is expected to provide appropriate mechanisms and avoid pitfalls.

A hash is useful in identification of objects. For example, it speeds up data retrieval from a dict, identifying the arbitrary value of a key by a single numerical value from a finite interval - the key's hash.

A hash should remain unchanged throughout the lifetime of the object. Otherwise, one object could map to two different values in a dict, or be included into a set twice, as soon as its hash changes.

It's not enough to compare two objects by their hashes: at the end of the day, you may still need to perform equality checks, because there may be a collision between the hashes of two different objects. That's why hashable objects are required to have __eq__() implemented.

This ties back to the mutability: if a hashable object mutates such that it changes equality comparisons with hashables, especially the ones with the same hash - it breaks the contract, and may result in the same weirdness a mutating hash would. Hashable objects should not mutate comparisons between themselves.

Hashable objects that are equal to each other should have the same hash. This is a general contract that makes everything else simpler - it's natural to assume x == y implies that both x and y map to the same value in a dict.

Hash of a tuple

Consider your first example. The tuple hashes itself on the basis of its elements, while its second element, the list, doesn't have a hash at all - the __hash__ method is not implemented for it. And so the tuple.__hash__ method fails.

That's why a tuple with a list object inside of it is not hashable. As you can see, it is therefore also incorrect to say, that a tuple hash is based on the IDs of its elements.

Notice, that if the list was hashable here, and the hash was based on its elements, changing them would change the hash of the outer tuple, breaking the contract.

Why my custom class doesn't require a __hash__()?

Let's have a look at python data model documentation, and what it has to say on the topic:

User-defined classes have __eq__() and __hash__() methods by default; with them, all objects compare unequal (except with themselves) and x.__hash__() returns an appropriate value such that x == y implies both that x is y and hash(x) == hash(y).

Put simply, the default implementation compares objects identity, which has nothing to do with object attributes. That's why you can change the values "inside" the object of your custom class without changing its hash.

That's also why you don't have to define __hash__() for your classes - python does it for you in this case.

In this regard you're right - the default (CPython's) implementation of the hashing function for custom classes relies on the id() of an object (and not on the values "inside" of it). It is an implementation detail, and it differs between Python versions.

In more recent versions of Python, the relation between hash() and id() involves randomization. This prevents some forms of denial of service attacks, where creating arbitrary hash collisions could significantly slow down web applications. See PEP-456.

How does it actually hash itself?

While the details are quite complicated and probably involve some advanced math, the implementation of the hash function for tuple objects is written in C, and can be seen here (see static Py_hash_t tuplehash(PyTupleObject *v)).

The calculation involves XORing a constant with the hashes of each of the tuple's elements. The line responsible for hashing of the elements is this one:

y = PyObject_Hash(*p++);

So, to answer your original question: it does a bunch of XOR hokus-pocus with the hashes of each of its elements. Whether or not the contents and attributes of these elements are considered depends on their specific hash functions.

What does hashable mean in Python?

From the Python glossary:

An object is hashable if it has a hash value which never changes during its lifetime (it needs a __hash__() method), and can be compared to other objects (it needs an __eq__() or __cmp__() method). Hashable objects which compare equal must have the same hash value.

Hashability makes an object usable as a dictionary key and a set member, because these data structures use the hash value internally.

All of Python’s immutable built-in objects are hashable, while no mutable containers (such as lists or dictionaries) are. Objects which are instances of user-defined classes are hashable by default; they all compare unequal, and their hash value is their id().

What hash (Python 3 hashlib) yields a portable hash of file contents?

First of all, the hash() function in Python is not the same as cryptographic hash functions in general. Here're the differences:


A hash is an fixed sized integer that identifies a particular value. Each value needs to have its own hash, so for the same value you will get the same hash even if it's not the same object.

Note that the hash of a value only needs to be the same for one run of Python. In Python 3.3 they will in fact change for every new run of Python

What does hash do in python?

Cryptographic hash functions

A cryptographic hash function (CHF) is a mathematical algorithm that maps data of an arbitrary size (often called the "message") to a bit array of a fixed size

It is deterministic, meaning that the same message always results in the same hash.


Now let's come back to your question:

I would like to compute the hash of the contents (sequence of bits) of a file (whose length could be any number of bits, and so not necessarily a multiple of the trendy eight) and send that file to a friend along with the hash-value. My friend should be able to compute the same hash from the file contents.

What you're looking for is one of the cryptographic hash functions. Typically, to calculate the file hash, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256 are used. You want to open the file as binary and hash the binary bits, and finally digest it & encode it in hexadecimal form.

import hashlib

def calculateSHA256Hash(filePath):
h = hashlib.sha256()
with open(filePath, "rb") as f:
data = f.read(2048)
while data != b"":
data = f.read(2048)
return h.hexdigest()

print(calculateSHA256Hash(filePath = 'stackoverflow_hash.py'))

The above code takes itself as an input, hence it produced an SHA-256 hash for itself, being 610e15155439c75f6b63cd084c6a235b42bb6a54950dcb8f2edab45d0280335e. This remains consistent as long as the code is not changed.

Another example would be to hash a txt file, test.txt with content Helloworld.

This is done by simply changing the last line of the code to "test.txt"

print(calculateSHA256Hash(filePath = 'text.txt'))

This gives a SHA-256 hash of 5ab92ff2e9e8e609398a36733c057e4903ac6643c646fbd9ab12d0f6234c8daf.

Python hash() function on strings

Hash values are not dependent on the memory location but the contents of the object itself. From the documentation:

Return the hash value of the object (if it has one). Hash values are integers. They are used to quickly compare dictionary keys during a dictionary lookup. Numeric values that compare equal have the same hash value (even if they are of different types, as is the case for 1 and 1.0).

See CPython's implementation of str.__hash__ in:

  • Objects/unicodeobject.c (for unicode_hash)
  • Python/pyhash.c (for _Py_HashBytes)

Why does hash() method return short Hash value with int in Python?

In CPython, default Python interpreter implementation, built-in hash is done in this way:

For numeric types, the hash of a number x is based on the reduction
of x modulo the prime P = 2**_PyHASH_BITS - 1. It's designed so that
hash(x) == hash(y) whenever x and y are numerically equal, even if
x and y have different types

_PyHASH_BITS is 61 (64-bit systems) or 31 (32-bit systems)(defined here)

So on 64-bit system built-in hash looks like this function:

def hash(number):
return number % (2 ** 61 - 1)

That's why for small ints you got the same values, while for example hash(2305843009213693950) returns 2305843009213693950 and hash(2305843009213693951) returns 0

What hash algorithm does Python's dictionary mapping use?

The hash that it uses depends on the object being used as a key -- each class can define its own __hash__() method, and the value that it returns for a particular instance is what is used for the dictionary.

Python itself provides the hash implementation for str and tuple types. A quick look at the source should reveal the exact algorithm for those.

The hash of a tuple is based on the hashes of its contents. The algorithm is essentially this (simplified slightly):

def hash(tuple):
mult = 1000003
x = 0x345678
for index, item in enumerate(tuple):
x = ((x ^ hash(item)) * mult) & (1<<32)
mult += (82520 + (len(tuple)-index)*2)
return x + 97531

For strings, the interpreter also iterates over every character, combining them with this (again, slightly simplified) algorithm:

def hash(string):
x = string[0] << 7
for chr in string[1:]:
x = ((1000003 * x) ^ chr) & (1<<32)
return x

A bigger issue to worry about is avoiding hash collisions. Colliding hash keys will cause a linear search as the dictionary tries to find a place to store the new object (this is now being recognized as a security issue, and tha behavior may be changing in upcoming python versions)

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