Python Pandas - Missing Required Dependencies ['Numpy'] 1

ImportError: Missing required dependencies ['numpy']

I found the solution , the actual problem is if any of your recent python scripts have generated ".pyc" extension file this error will occur .

solution is to delete those files that's all.

Pandas Missing required dependencies ['numpy']

Looks like you might be running on a Mac and perhaps using the default system python. For whatever reason you don't have a complete installation. you have pandas but not numpy. I'm not sure which packages the tutorial you are following uses, but I would recommend installing the Anaconda python distribution as it includes pandas, all its dependencies and much more, including the scikit-learn package often used for machine learning.

If you want to know more about installing a Python environment for machine learning on a Mac, there is a good tutorial on

ImportError: Missing required dependencies ['numpy']. Nothing helps

Quick Solution

pip uninstall pandas -y
pip uninstall numpy -y
pip install pandas
pip install numpy

Follow first uninstall and install it will works

How to fix 'Missing required dependencies ['numpy']' when running packaged app made with PyInstaller?

Apparrently the newest version of numpy (v1.16.0) breaks something in pyinstaller, because packaging the app with numpy version 1.15.4 works fine.

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