How to Sort a Pandas Dataframe by Index

How to sort a Pandas DataFrame by index?

Dataframes have a sort_index method which returns a copy by default. Pass inplace=True to operate in place.

import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], index=[100, 29, 234, 1, 150], columns=['A'])

Gives me:

1 4
29 2
100 1
150 5
234 3

Sort pandas dataframe on index that is string+digits

Onne idea is convert index to Series with Series.str.split to DataFrame, convert second column to integers and sorting both columns and this index is used for change order in original df.index by DataFrame.reindex:

df1 = df.index.to_series().str.split('_',expand=True)
df1[1] = df1[1].astype(int)
df1 = df1.sort_values([0, 1], ascending=[True, False])
print (df1)
0 1
A_100 A 100
A_60 A 60
A_30 A 30
B_100 B 100
B_60 B 60
B_30 B 30

df = df.reindex(df1.index)
print (df)
A_100 0
A_60 12
A_30 13
B_100 12
B_60 6
B_30 6

Sort Index by list - Python Pandas

Unexpected NaNs after reindexing are often due to the new index labels not exactly matching the old index labels. For example, if the original index labels contains whitespaces, but the new labels don't, then you'll get NaNs:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'col':[1,2,3]}, index=['April ', 'June ', 'May ', ])
# col
# April 1
# June 2
# May 3

df2 = df.reindex(['April', 'May', 'June'])
# col
# April NaN
# May NaN
# June NaN

This can be fixed by removing the whitespace to make the labels match:

df.index = df.index.str.strip()
df3 = df.reindex(['April', 'May', 'June'])
# col
# April 1
# May 3
# June 2

How to sort pandas dataframe by custom order on string index

Just reindex

Age G Tm Year id
Maurice Baker 25 7 VAN 2004 5335
Adrian Caldwell 31 81 DAL 1997 6169
Ratko Varda 22 60 TOT 2001 13950
Ryan Bowen 34 52 OKC 2009 6141
Cedric Hunter 27 6 CHH 1991 2967

Update info you have multiple players with same name

out = df.iloc[pd.Categorical(df.index,reorderlist).argsort()]

Sort pandas dataframe by index then by alphabetical order

According to the official documentation, you can pass the index name into sort_values:



0 a
0 c
1 b
2 d

Fun: You can also sort by values, then sort again by index with a stable algorithm:


Pandas: how to sort dataframe by column AND by index

Using lexsort from numpy may be other way and little faster as well:

df.iloc[np.lexsort((df.index, df.A.values))] # Sort by A.values, then by index


3 2
4 4
6 4
5 5
2 6

Comparing with timeit:

df.iloc[np.lexsort((df.index, df.A.values))] # Sort by A.values, then by index


1000 loops, best of 3: 278 µs per loop

With reset index and set index again:



100 loops, best of 3: 2.09 ms per loop

Sorting pandas dataframe by column index instead of column name

sort_values is not an indexer but a method. You use it with [] instead of () but it doesn't seem to be the problem.

If you want to sort your dataframe by the second column whatever the name, use:

>>> df.sort_values(df.columns[1])
name score
1 Joe 3
0 Mary 10
2 Jessie 13

Pandas DataFrame sorting issues by value and index

IIUC, You could do sort_values after resetting the index so it sorts on both the Date col and the index (Date ascending and Index descending)


output = (lookForwardData.reset_index()

Sort pandas Series both on values and index

You can first sort the index, then sort the values with a stable algorithm:

s.sort_index().sort_values(ascending=False, kind='stable')


f    7
l 6
b 5
d 3
n 3
a 2
g 2
t 1
z 1
dtype: int64

used input:

s = pd.Series({'a': 2, 'b': 5, 'd': 3, 'z': 1, 't': 1, 'g': 2, 'n': 3, 'l': 6, 'f': 7})

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