Typeerror: Got Multiple Values for Argument

TypeError: got multiple values for argument

This happens when a keyword argument is specified that overwrites a positional argument. For example, let's imagine a function that draws a colored box. The function selects the color to be used and delegates the drawing of the box to another function, relaying all extra arguments.

def color_box(color, *args, **kwargs):
painter.draw_box(*args, **kwargs)

Then the call

color_box("blellow", color="green", height=20, width=30)

will fail because two values are assigned to color: "blellow" as positional and "green" as keyword. (painter.draw_box is supposed to accept the height and width arguments).

This is easy to see in the example, but of course if one mixes up the arguments at call, it may not be easy to debug:

# misplaced height and width
color_box(20, 30, color="green")

Here, color is assigned 20, then args=[30] and color is again assigned "green".

TypeError: got multiple values for argument when passing in *args

You need to swap it so the c=3 is last because python requires optional arguments to be at the end. The code functions when it is done like this:

def test(a,b, *args, c=3):

args = [1,2,3]
test(1,2, *args, c=3)

TypeError : got multiple values for argument 'reports_pk'

The first argument to your function printViewCustomers must be request. Just update your views.py to

def printViewCustomers(request, reports_pk):
pkForm = get_object_or_404(SettingsClass, pk=reports_pk)

complexName = pkForm.Complex


What does TypeError: connect() got multiple values for argument 'dsn' with python-oracledb mean?

The solution is to consistently use keyword parameters:

c = oracledb.connect(user=un, password=pw, dsn=cs)


pool = oracledb.create_pool(user=un, password=pw, dsn=cs, min=4, max=4, incr=1)

The oracledb.connect() and oracledb.create_pool() (and deprecated
oracledb.SessionPool()) parameters are keyword, not positional. This complies
with the Python Database API spec PEP 249.

TypeError: __init__() got multiple values for argument 'data'

The first argument you're passing into ggplot is data by default (because it's in first place in the source code, and you didn't provide any keyword), but then you pass another data argument later (with keyword).
This is why such an error happens.
Try to specify the keyword for the first argument, which is mapping.

Also, another tip which is not necessary but can help to improve readability and have a code more straight: put the data argument first, then mapping in second.

So you would have: ggplot(data=data_, mapping=aes(x="order_date", y="total_price"))

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