Subtract One Dataframe from Another Excluding the First Column Pandas

Subtract one dataframe from another excluding the first column Pandas

Simply subtract the entire DataFrames, then reassign the desired values to the Wavelength column.

result = df_tot - df_nap
result['Wavelength'] = df_tot['Wavelength']

For example,

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

df_tot = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(10, size=(3,4)), columns=list('ABCD'))
df_nap = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(10, size=(3,4)), columns=list('ABCD'))
# df_tot['A'] = df_nap['A'] # using column A as the "Wavelength" column

result = df_tot - df_nap
result['A'] = df_tot['A']

Alternatively, or if Wavelength column were not numeric, you could
subtract everything except the Wavelength, then reassign that column:

result = df_tot.drop('Wavelength', axis=1) - df_nap.drop('Wavelength', axis=1)
result['Wavelength'] = df_tot['Wavelength']

How to difference of two dataframes except one column in pandas?

I believe need extract columns names by difference and then use DataFrame.sub:

cols = df1.columns.difference(['wave'])
#is possible specify multiple columns
#cols = df1.columns.difference(['wave','MeasredWave'])

#df1[cols] = means in output are not touch columns from df1
df1[cols] = df1[cols].sub(df2[cols])
print (df1)
wave num stlines fwhm EWs MeasredWave
0 4050.32 0.0 0.006340 -0.00412 -0.715440 0.000891
1 4208.98 0.0 -0.002455 0.00086 0.227375 -0.000851
2 4374.94 3.0 -0.001930 0.00274 1.853900 -0.000539
3 4379.74 8.0 0.014970 -0.00733 -0.882590 0.001262
4 4398.01 8.0 -0.004660 0.01392 7.048620 0.003309
5 4502.21 -1.0 -0.009540 0.00055 -0.692110 -0.000544

cols = df1.columns.difference(['wave'])
#df2[cols] = means in output are not touch columns from df2
df2[cols] = df1[cols].sub(df2[cols])
print (df2)
wave num stlines fwhm EWs MeasredWave
0 4050.32 0.0 0.006340 -0.00412 -0.715440 0.000891
1 4208.98 0.0 -0.002455 0.00086 0.227375 -0.000851
2 4374.94 3.0 -0.001930 0.00274 1.853900 -0.000539
3 4379.74 8.0 0.014970 -0.00733 -0.882590 0.001262
4 4398.01 8.0 -0.004660 0.01392 7.048620 0.003309
5 4502.21 -1.0 -0.009540 0.00055 -0.692110 -0.000544

How to Subtract one column in pandas from another?

It looks like you want to create new rows. You can index the dataframe by Account which also has the advantage that the remaining columns are the things you want to subtract. Then subtract and add a new row.

>>> df = pd.DataFrame({'Accounts':['Cash','Build','Build Dep', 'Car', 'Car Dep'],
... 'Debits':[300,500,0,100,0],
... 'Credits':[0,0,250,0,50]})
>>> df = df.set_index('Accounts')
>>> df.loc['Build Delta'] = df.loc['Build Dep'] - df.loc['Build']
>>> df.loc['Car Delta'] = df.loc['Car'] - df.loc['Car Dep']
>>> print(df)
Debits Credits
Cash 300 0
Build 500 0
Build Dep 0 250
Car 100 0
Car Dep 0 50
Build Delta -500 250
Car Delta 100 -50

If you want to have a column of deltas for all of the rows, just subtract the columns. This is the beauty of numpy and pandas. You can apply operations to entire columns with small amounts of code and get better performance than if you did it in vanilla python.

>>> df = pd.DataFrame({'Accounts':['Cash','Build','Build Dep', 'Car', 'Car Dep'],
... 'Debits':[300,500,0,100,0],
... 'Credits':[0,0,250,0,50]})
>>> df = df.set_index('Accounts')
>>> df['Delta'] = df['Credits'] - df['Debits']
>>> df
Debits Credits Delta
Cash 300 0 -300
Build 500 0 -500
Build Dep 0 250 250
Car 100 0 -100
Car Dep 0 50 50

Subtract pandas dataframes while leaving some columns intact

You can use:

df1.set_index(['idx','stat'], inplace=True)
df2.set_index('idx', inplace=True)

print (df1.sub(df2[['val']]))
idx stat
1 1 NaN
2 1 2.0
3 2 NaN
4 3 4.0

print (df1.sub(df2[['val']]).reset_index())
idx stat val
0 1 1 NaN
1 2 1 2.0
2 3 2 NaN
3 4 3 4.0

If idx are indexes in both df:

print (df1)
stat val
1 1 5
2 1 10
3 2 15
4 3 20

print (df2)
stat val
2 1 8
4 5 16

df1.set_index('stat', append=True, inplace=True)
print (df1.sub(df2[['val']]).reset_index())
idx stat val
0 1 1 NaN
1 2 1 2.0
2 3 2 NaN
3 4 3 4.0

Subtract a dataframe with some matching and non matching columns and indexes

Use pd.DataFrame.sub with fill_value, then fillna for missing values in df_add dataframe:

df_add.sub(df_sub, fill_value=0).fillna(0)


     1    2    3    4
A 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
B 2.1 -2.8 2.3 -5.6
C 0.0 -6.0 0.0 -9.0
D 3.1 -3.8 3.3 -6.6
E 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4

How to subtract columns of one dataframe to that of another in python and store the result and both columns in a new dataframe

Yes you can merge on column "X" to create a single dataframe with all values, then iterate through the columns and append calculated dataframes to a list.

Something like:

df = pd.merge(left=df1, right=df2, on='X', how='inner')
output_frames = []
letters = [i[-1] for i in df.columns if not i == 'X'] #Get letters in your columns
letters = list(set(letters)) #Get list of letters with single element
for letter in letters:
newdf = df.loc[:, ['X'] + [i for i in df.columns if i.endswith(letter)]]
newdf['Difference'] = newdf[f'par {letter}'] - newdf[f'bar {letter}']
newdf['Status'] = newdf.apply(lambda x: 'OK' if x.Difference >= 0 else 'NOT OK', axis=1)

Then view output:

for df in newdf:

Or better still, merge the outputs:

df = pd.concat(output_frames, axis=1)  

R: Subtracting two dataframes except some of the columns

If you want to keep Variables as Year, Quarter, and Group you can do:

cbind(BMH[ ,1:3], BMH[,-c(1:3)] - BML[,-c(1:3)])

and save convert it again to a data frame with

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