Selenium: Firefoxprofile Exception Can't Load the Profile

Selenium: FirefoxProfile exception Can't load the profile


Selenium team fixed in latest version. For almost all environments the fix is:

pip install -U selenium

Unclear at which version it was fixed (apparently r13122), but certainly by 2.26.0 (current at time of update) it is fixed.

This error means that _wait_until_connectable is timing out, because for some reason, the code cannot connect to the webdriver extension that has been loaded into the firefox.

I have just reported an error to selenium where I am getting this error because I'm trying to use a proxy and only 2 of the 4 configured changes in the profile have been accepted by firefox, so the proxy isn't configured to talk to the extension. Not sure why this is happening...

Python: Selenium Firefox Webdriver failing with error: 'Can't load the profile...WARN addons.xpi...

Selenium 2.35 is not compatible with Firefox 26. As the release notes say, FF 26 support was added in Selenium 2.39. You need to update to 2.39. Try pip install -U selenium instead.

selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: Can't load the profile

The problem was blocked in the firewall of the server.
I don't know how it's blocked, but when I removed it from the firewall, it worked

WebDriverException: Message: Can't load the profile. At a loss as to what is happening

I've actually found a work around for this, it isn't perfect and I actually use chrome through chromedriver, since it is a bit more stable, but to use firefox you might want to download a geckodriver and include it in your system path or path to it in your setup of the browser,, seems to be where they keep releases, chrome has a chromedriver that functions and is used in much the same way. I am not sure why we need these new drivers to use selenium in windows, but such is life, hopes this saves someone else some work.

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