Why Can a Python Dict Have Multiple Keys with the Same Hash

Why can a Python dict have multiple keys with the same hash?

For a detailed description of how Python's hashing works see my answer to Why is early return slower than else?

Basically it uses the hash to pick a slot in the table. If there is a value in the slot and the hash matches, it compares the items to see if they are equal.

If the hash matches but the items aren't equal, then it tries another slot. There's a formula to pick this (which I describe in the referenced answer), and it gradually pulls in unused parts of the hash value; but once it has used them all up, it will eventually work its way through all slots in the hash table. That guarantees eventually we either find a matching item or an empty slot. When the search finds an empty slot, it inserts the value or gives up (depending whether we are adding or getting a value).

The important thing to note is that there are no lists or buckets: there is just a hash table with a particular number of slots, and each hash is used to generate a sequence of candidate slots.

Putting two keys with the same hash into a dict

As the accepted answer mentioned by @CoryKramer states, equality of hashes does not imply equality of objects. Python dictionaries can contain any number of elements with equal hashes as long as the objects themselves are not equal.

The short answer to your question is probably that the implementation of the complex type is a bit incomplete in the Python library as of 2.7. As @wim points out, comparing int and complex using == works fine, but comparing Decimal and complex does not. Since comparing one_decimal == one_complex will always return False because of their types, they can both live in the same dictionary in Python 2.7.

This issue has been fixed in Python 3. I am experimenting in 3.5, where one_decimal and one_complex are equal. After running the same snippet, the dictionary contains the value for one_complex under the key one_decimal, as expected (first key, last value).


It's a bug in Py2.7's complex type. Fixed in Py3.

Is it possible to assign the same value to multiple keys in a dict object at once?

I would say what you have is very simple, you could slightly improve it to be:

my_dict = dict.fromkeys(['a', 'c', 'd'], 10)
my_dict.update(dict.fromkeys(['b', 'e'], 20))

If your keys are tuple you could do:

>>> my_dict = {('a', 'c', 'd'): 10, ('b', 'e'): 20}
>>> next(v for k, v in my_dict.items() if 'c' in k) # use .iteritems() python-2.x

This is, of course, will return first encountered value, key for which contains given element.

Python dictionary with multiple keys pointing to same list in memory efficient way

You are really in a trade-off space between the time/memory it takes to generate the dictionary versus the time it takes to scan the entire data for an on-the-fly method.

If you want a low memory method, you can use a function that searches each sublist for the value. Using a generator will get initial results faster to the user, but for large data sets, this will be slow between returns.

data = [[
"A 5408599",
"B 8126880",
"A 2003529",
"C 9925336",
"C 3705674",
"A 823678571",
"C 3205170186",
"C 9772980",
"B 8960327",
"C 4185139021",
"D 1226285245",
"C 2523866271",
"D 2940954504",
"D 5083193",

def find_list_by_value(v, data):
for sublist in data:
if v in sublist:
yield sublist

for s in find_list_by_value("C 9772980", data):

As mentioned in the comments, building a hash table based just on the first letter or first 2 or 3 character might be a good place to start. This will allow you to build a candidate list of sublists, then scan those to see if the value is in the sublist.

from collections import defaultdict

def get_key(v, size=3):
return v[:size]

def get_keys(sublist, size=3):
return set(get_key(v, size) for v in sublist)

def find_list_by_hash(v, data, hash_table, size=3):
key = get_key(v, size)
candidate_indices = hash_table.get(key, set())
for ix in candidates:
if v in data[ix]:
yield data[ix]

# generate the small hash table
quick_hash = defaultdict(set)
for i, sublist in enumerate(data):
for k in get_keys(sublist, 3):

# lookup a value by the small hash
for s in find_list_by_hash("C 9772980", data, quick_hash, 3):

In this code quick_hash will take some time to build, because you are scanning your entire data structure. However, the memory foot print will be much smaller. You main parameter for tuning performance is size. Smaller size will have a smaller memory footprint, but will take longer when running find_list_by_hash because your candidate pool will be larger. You can do some testing to see what the right size should be for your data. Just be mindful that all of your values are at least as long as size.

How to handle multiple keys for a dictionary in python?


Let's jump into it:

  1. Iterate over items consecutively
  2. Append string values belonging to the same key
  3. Once done, iterate over each key-value pair and join everything together for your final result.

from collections import defaultdict

d = defaultdict(list)
for i, j in zip(list_1, list_2):

The defaultdict makes things simple, and is efficient with appending. If you don't want to use a defaultdict, use dict.setdefault instead (but this is a bit more inefficient):

d = {}
for i, j in zip(list_1, list_2):
d.setdefault(i, []).append(j)

new_dict = {k : ','.join(v) for k, v in d.items()})
{'4': 'a', '6': 'b', '8': 'c,d'}

Pandas DataFrame.groupby + agg

If you want performance at high volumes, try using pandas:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'A' : list_1, 'B' : list_2})
new_dict = df.groupby('A').B.agg(','.join).to_dict()

{'4': 'a', '6': 'b', '8': 'c,d'}

Multiple levels of keys and values in Python

If you just have to "count" things -- and assuming the data file contains all the required level of "hashes" -- that will do the trick:

import collections

result = collections.defaultdict(int)

with open("beast","rt") as f:
for line in f:
hashes = line.split()
key = '-'.join(hashes)
result[key] += 1

print result

Producing the result:
defaultdict(<type 'int'>, {'Mammals-whales-Male': 1, 'Birds-Eagle-Female': 2})

If you require nested dictionary -- post-processing of that result is still possible...

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