Python Number With 1000 Separator

Python number with 1000 Separator

To get the number with , as a thousands separator as a whole number, use this format string:

number_formated = "{:,.0f}".format(number)

No need to nest two calls and cast the resulting string to int again.

ipython: print numbers with thousands separator

Using ' as thousands separator in input is quite problematic because Python uses ' to delimit strings, but you can use _ (PEP 515, Underscores in Numeric Literals):

IPython input thousand separators

Regarding output, this is slightly harder, but can be done using IPython extensions.

Put the following Python code in a new file at ~/.ipython/extensions/

default_int_printer = None

def print_int(number, printer, cycle):
printer.text(f'{number:,}') # You can use `'{:,}'.format(number)` if you're using a Python version older than 3.6

def load_ipython_extension(ipython):
global default_int_printer

default_int_printer = ipython.display_formatter.formatters['text/plain'].for_type(int, print_int)

def unload_ipython_extension(ipython):
ipython.display_formatter.formatters['text/plain'].for_type(int, default_int_printer)

This code tells IPython to replace the default int formatter with one that prints thousand separators when this extension is loaded, and restore the original when it is unloaded.

Edit: If you want a different separator, for instance ', replace the f'{number:,}' with f'{number:,}'.replace(',', "'").

You can load the extension using the magic command %load_ext thousands_separator and unload it using %unload_ext thousands_separator, but if you want it always, you can place it in the default profile.

Run the following code in the terminal:

ipython3 profile create

It will report that a file ~/.ipython/profile_default/ was created. Enter it, and search for the following string:

## A list of dotted module names of IPython extensions to load.
#c.InteractiveShellApp.extensions = []

Replace it with the following:

# A list of dotted module names of IPython extensions to load.
c.InteractiveShellApp.extensions = [

This tells IPython to load this extension by default.


Sample Image

Edit: I saw that you want to a) use ' as separator, and b) do the same for floats:

Using different separator is quite easy: just str.replace():

def print_int(number, printer, cycle):
printer.text(f'{number:,}'.replace(',', "'"))

Doing the same for floats is also easy: just setup print_int so it prints floats to. I also suggest to change the name to print_number.

Final code:

default_int_printer = None
default_float_printer = None

def print_number(number, printer, cycle):
printer.text(f'{number:,}'.replace(',', "'"))

def load_ipython_extension(ipython):
global default_int_printer
global default_float_printer

default_int_printer = ipython.display_formatter.formatters['text/plain'].for_type(int, print_number)
default_float_printer = ipython.display_formatter.formatters['text/plain'].for_type(float, print_number)

def unload_ipython_extension(ipython):
ipython.display_formatter.formatters['text/plain'].for_type(int, default_int_printer)
ipython.display_formatter.formatters['text/plain'].for_type(float, default_float_printer)

Formatting numbers with localized thousands separators and decimal precision in python

Add a comma - the thousands separator - before the dot, and do a replace with the appropriate separator of your locale:

>>> my_sep = locale.localeconv()['thousands_sep']
>>> print("{:,.2f}".format(7654321.234567).replace(',', my_sep))
7 654 321.23

Convert numbers in thousands separator into float

The easiest way is to just remove the commas, then call float.

>>> s = '123,456.78'
>>> float(s.replace(',',''))

In your case, you'll want

data[column] = data[column].map(lambda s: s.replace(',',''))

This will apply the function to every value in the column.

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