Loop Through Json Data in Python

Iterating through a JSON object

Your loading of the JSON data is a little fragile. Instead of:

json_raw= raw.readlines()
json_object = json.loads(json_raw[0])

you should really just do:

json_object = json.load(raw)

You shouldn't think of what you get as a "JSON object". What you have is a list. The list contains two dicts. The dicts contain various key/value pairs, all strings. When you do json_object[0], you're asking for the first dict in the list. When you iterate over that, with for song in json_object[0]:, you iterate over the keys of the dict. Because that's what you get when you iterate over the dict. If you want to access the value associated with the key in that dict, you would use, for example, json_object[0][song].

None of this is specific to JSON. It's just basic Python types, with their basic operations as covered in any tutorial.

Looping through JSON object with a conditional

That should work for you:

for q in content:
if q['collection']['location'] == '/450/':


If you go with for loop with for col in q['collection'], you just iterate over keys inside q['collection'], so cols = ['archived', 'authority_level', ...].

Loop through JSON data in Python

The solution of diek is the one that worked for me, edited my post because of this. The better code is:

import requests
import json
response = requests.get("")
data =response.text

for product in parsed['products']:

The output will look as follow:


How to loop through JSON data using python?

You need to loop through the events not the individual deadline time.


for item in data['events']['deadline_time']:


for item in data['events']:

How to loop through json data with multiple objects

You need to iterate the data to extract the host and username values so that you can zip them to the remote list:

data = [
{"host" : "", "username":"server2", "path":"/home/server/.ssh/01_id"},
{"host" : "", "username":"server3", "path":"/home/server/.ssh/01_id"}
hosts_users = [(d['host'], d['username']) for d in data]
remote = [1, 2]

for remote, (host, username) in zip(remote, hosts_users):
print(remote, host, username)


1 server2
2 server3

Looping through a JSON array in Python

When restaurants is your list, you have to iterate over this key:

for restaurant in data['restaurants']:
print restaurant['restaurant']['name']

Iterating through a JSON object after first level

This happens because you are iterating through the dictionary created by your JSON at a level too high. You can go inside the dictionary at key = 'data' by using jsonObject["data"], then iterate like you did.

for key in jsonObject["data"][0]:
value = jsonObject["data"][0][key]
print("The key and value are {} = {}".format(key, value))

You could even write this more concisely using the .items() built-in method for dictionaries:

for key,value in jsonObject["data"][0].items():
print("The key and value are {} = {}".format(key, value))

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