Check to See If Python Script Is Running

Check a Python Script Is Running

Not sure about what you are asking but as given this may help, so if you just want to call one python script from another then you can use script 1

from subprocess import call
call(["python", ""])

Save this file in a script named script1 and run it, it will compile
If you want to check for any syntax error in then you can use script 2

from subprocess import call
call(["python","-m","py_compile", ""])

If script2 compiles without any error then it shows that there is no syntax error in your program.

Thirdly if you want to check if is running currently or not you can use script 3

import psutil
import sys
from subprocess import Popen

for process in psutil.process_iter():
if process.cmdline() == ['python', '']:
sys.exit('Process found: exiting.')

print('Process not found: starting it.')
Popen(['python', ''])

This last script will tell if your script is running or not and if it is not running it will compile it.

How does one identify if python script was run for the first time?

If you want to keep track of all the times your software was run

There really is no way without writing to a file every time you start, and then appending to this file. So that way, you'd simply go look up the file to keep track of your program.

If you want to see when the last time your software was compiled

I guess another thing you could technically do is check the date of your generated compiled python bytecodes, but this would only tell you the last time your program executed, not the first time or the total number of times.

This link shows you how to check for the creation/modification/update times

How to determine if Python script was run via command line?

I don't think there's any reliable way to detect this (especially in a cross-platform manner). For example on OS X, when you double-click a .py file and it tuns with "Python Launcher", it runs in a terminal, identically to if you execute it manually.

Although it may have other issues, you could package the script up with something like py2exe or Platypus, then you can have the double-clickable icon run a specific bit of code to differentiate (import mycode; mycode.main(gui = True) for example)

how can you know if the python file is run directly and not from the command line?

The second answer provided in Detect if python program is executed via Windows GUI (double-click) vs command prompt functions correctly for the program to check if the program was run thru a GUI works. Thanks for the help guys!

Check if current Python script is running in a Jenkins environment

When a Jenkins job executes, it always sets some default environment variables.

In your python code you can just check to see if one (or more) of these variables exists.

You can go for the JENKINS_URL environment variable as it is quite unique and probably wont be used for any other purpose beside what you want to achieve.

So your code can look like:

debug_mode = 'JENKINS_URL' not in os.environ

print('Script is starting up')

(...) # Do stuff

if debug_mode:
print('So many things to do...')

(...) # Do other stuff

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