Make a Batch File Run a Python Code With Arguments

Passing multiple inputs to .bat file via Python script

Try to run

p =['test.bat', ipAdr, pasWD, locPath])

start a python script from a batch with arguments and wait [closed]

Inside the cmd batch you do not need to call start /wait as it will happen directly using it without the start /wait.

C:\python.exe C:\ arg1 arg2 arg3

Running a batch file with parameters in Python OR F#

Python is similar.

import os
os.system("run-client.bat param1 param2")

If you need asynchronous behavior or redirected standard streams.

from subprocess import *
p = Popen(['run-client.bat', param1, param2], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
output, errors = p.communicate()
p.wait() # wait for process to terminate

Sending arguments from Batch file to Python script


set VAR_1=this
set VAR_2=that

python %1 %VAR_1% %VAR_2%

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