Splitting a Phone Number into a List of Digits: Python

How do I split a list of numbers into a phone number in python?

The solution for your problem is pretty simple:

a = '8005551212'

Splitting a Phone Number into a List of Digits: Python

Iterate over string.


unformattedPhone = "123 456-7890"
numbersList = [int(s) for s in unformattedPhone if s.isdigit()]


[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0]

How to split name and phone number in a list in python?

If all phone numbers contain only digits and dashes, you can use:

import re

rgx = re.compile(r'\s+(?=[\d-]+$)')

result = [rgx.split(x,1) for x in input]

Where input thus is your list of input strings. It generates the following list:

>>> [rgx.split(x,1) for x in input]
[['Jackson, Janet', '313-1352'], ['James, Lebron', '457-6221'], ['Manfredi, Ralph', '872-2221'], ['Prakash, Varun', '312-5398']]

But as said before, it only works properly given the above stated assumption. Best thing is, if the phone number contains spaces, then it can still work:

import re

rgx = re.compile(r'\s+(?=[\d\s-]+$)')

result = [rgx.split(x,1) for x in input]

For input with spaces in the phone number, it gives:

>>> input = ['Jackson, Janet 313-13 52', 'James, Lebron 457-6 22 1', 'Manfredi, Ralph 872-222 1', 'Prakash, Varun 312-5 3 9 8']
>>> [rgx.split(x,1) for x in input]
[['Jackson, Janet', '313-13 52'], ['James, Lebron', '457-6 22 1'], ['Manfredi, Ralph', '872-222 1'], ['Prakash, Varun', '312-5 3 9 8']]

python - Splitting a list of integers into list of digits

This is one way:

qc = [11221427, 23414732, 144443277]

lst = [list(map(int, i)) for i in zip(*map(str, qc))]

# [[1, 2, 1],
# [1, 3, 4],
# [2, 4, 4],
# [2, 1, 4],
# [1, 4, 4],
# [4, 7, 3],
# [2, 3, 2],
# [7, 2, 7]]

If you really need these as separate variables, either use lst[idx] or a dictionary {i: j for i, j in enumerate(lst, 1)}.

Given a phone number in words, convert the number to digits

Create another mapping for the quantity modifiers, and multiply the digit string by the preceding modifier.

digits = {
"zero": "0",
"one": "1",
"two": "2",
"three": "3",
"four": "4",
"five": "5",
"six": "6",
"seven": "7",
"eight": "8",
"nine": "9",

modifiers = {
"double": 2,
"triple": 3,

number = ""
n = 1
for word in input("? ").split():
if word in modifiers:
n *= modifiers[word]
number += n * digits[word]
n = 1
? five eight double two double two four eight five six

How to remove the "-" from phone numbers and choose the phone numbers from a list of strings?

Pandas series has .str which has function .split() to split the string and .join() to join a list. You can first split the contact using .split('-') and then join it using .join('').

To get separate dataframes for contact and name, create a mask which is True for rows which are contact. .str.contains(pattern) is a function to check if regex pattern is present in string or not. For matching the contact, we can check if row only consists of digit or not, to match row with only digit, pattern is: ^[0-9]+$.

After creating mask use df[mask] and df[~mask] to get the dataframes.


df['contact'] = df.contact.str.split("-").str.join('')
mask = df.contact.str.contains("^[0-9]+$")
df_contact = df[mask]
df_name = df[~mask]


>>> df_contact
0 1235463454
3 2458703433
4 7898624860

>>> df_name
1 Sarah
2 Cyrus
5 Juan

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