How to Install a Module for All Users With Pip on Linux

How to install a module for all users with pip on linux?

You might have a wrong umask set as discussed here

From your last edit, I guess you umask is set to 027. Try to do

sudo pip uninstall loremipsum
umask 022
sudo pip install loremipsum

Pip3 Install Module For All Users

I suspect that your startup scripts are launching a different Python than the one you have installed discord to.

Try adding the line,

import sys; print(sys.executable, sys.prefix)

to your, before the import discord. And also try running that in your python3 shell. This should print off where the Python executable and standard library are installed, respectively. If they're different in than in the shell, that's your issue.

Also try

$ which python3
$ which pip3

Once you know the path to the Python executable you're actually running, you can use that Python's pip with

$ foo -m pip install discord

where foo is the full path to the Python executable you printed off with sys.executable in your

You can also try installing discord to a virtual environment.

$ python3 -m venv foo
$ source foo/bin/activate
$ pip install discord # install all your other requirements too

where foo is some path you can install the virtual environment to. Then in your launch script, do the source activate before running This ensures that python will run in the same foo environment you just created.

source foo/bin/activate
python /home/ubuntu/discordBot/

Note that in an active virtual environment, you use python and pip even if you created the environment with python3.

Install a python package for all users without messing with the system python installation

No, you can never be too afraid of modifying the system Python. Your caution is justified.

I’d suggest you let all users share a global (but non-system) Python installation, either from the official distribution, Anaconda, pyenv’s python-build, or self-compiled source. Each user can then either perform their own pip install --user to their respective home directories, or you can, as an sudoer, install tools globally available to them, into the custom-managed, non-system, but global Python.

Edit: I forgot to mention that you may also do this with virtual environments and symlinks. An example for Pipenv (you can change paths as you prefer):

python3 -m venv /opt/venvs/pipenv
/opt/venvs/pipenv/bin/pip install pipenv
ln -s /opt/venvs/pipenv/bin/pipenv /opt/bin/pipenv

python3 -m venv /opt/venvs/flake8
/opt/venvs/pipenv/bin/pip install flake8
ln -s /opt/venvs/pipenv/bin/flake8 /opt/bin/flake8

This way to can install multiple tools without them affecting each other. Also you can combine this with custom-managed Python for even more peace of mind.

Can I use pip install to install a module for another users?

Running pip with sudo should install a package for all users

sudo pip install numpy

If it doesn't work, try

sudo -H -u www-data pip install --user numpy

which should install numpy only for www-data

Make Python module available for all Linux users

Ok, I solved the issue.
In my case, the problematic module was "faker". But, when we install the faker, another additional module is installed as well (in this case - text-unidecode).
Then I uninstalled both modules, ran "umask 022" and re-installed the faker.
This solved the issue for all other users.
Thanks all for the help!

What is the purpose of "pip install --user ..."?

pip defaults to installing Python packages to a system directory (such as /usr/local/lib/python3.4). This requires root access.

--user makes pip install packages in your home directory instead, which doesn't require any special privileges.

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