List Nearby/Discoverable Bluetooth Devices, Including Already Paired, in Python, on Linux

List nearby/discoverable bluetooth devices, including already paired, in Python, on Linux

Since the adoption of the version 5 of the Bluetooth API most of the functions used in the @Micke solutions were dropped and the interaction
with the bus take place throught the ObjectManager.GetManagedObjects [1]

import dbus

def proxyobj(bus, path, interface):
""" commodity to apply an interface to a proxy object """
obj = bus.get_object('org.bluez', path)
return dbus.Interface(obj, interface)

def filter_by_interface(objects, interface_name):
""" filters the objects based on their support
for the specified interface """
result = []
for path in objects.keys():
interfaces = objects[path]
for interface in interfaces.keys():
if interface == interface_name:
return result

bus = dbus.SystemBus()

# we need a dbus object manager
manager = proxyobj(bus, "/", "org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager")
objects = manager.GetManagedObjects()

# once we get the objects we have to pick the bluetooth devices.
# They support the org.bluez.Device1 interface
devices = filter_by_interface(objects, "org.bluez.Device1")

# now we are ready to get the informations we need
bt_devices = []
for device in devices:
obj = proxyobj(bus, device, 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties')
"name": str(obj.Get("org.bluez.Device1", "Name")),
"addr": str(obj.Get("org.bluez.Device1", "Address"))

In the bt_device list there are dictionaries with the desired data:

for example

'name': 'BBC micro:bit [zigiz]',
'addr': 'E0:7C:62:5A:B1:8C'
}, {
'name': 'BBC micro:bit [putup]',
'addr': 'FC:CC:69:48:5B:32'


How to find visible bluetooth devices in Python?


from bluetooth import *

print "performing inquiry..."

nearby_devices = discover_devices(lookup_names = True)

print "found %d devices" % len(nearby_devices)

for name, addr in nearby_devices:
print " %s - %s" % (addr, name)

See also Programming Bluetooth using Python

The important thing is you can use lookup_names = True

from bluez Docs:

if lookup_names is False, returns a list of bluetooth addresses.
if lookup_names is True, returns a list of (address, name) tuples

How to list bluetooth devices near me using PowerShell

The PowerShell command :

Get-ChildItem -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\DeviceAssociationService\State\Store\ | Select-String -Pattern Bluetooth

will print devices already paired :


The XX:XX:XX:XX:XX values is your Bluetooth MAC adress.

Bluetooth - listening to a pairing even in a Linux device in Python

Good morning, there is a library written in Python that handle Bluetooth connection for you already PyBluez
to install use sudo pip install pybluez
here is an example on how to use sockets to communicate with bluetooth devices

import bluetooth
bd_addr = "01:23:45:67:89:AB"
port = 1
sock=bluetooth.BluetoothSocket( bluetooth.RFCOMM )
sock.connect((bd_addr, port))

the complete guide is at Bluetooth Programming with PyBluez

Python: How to get connected bluetooth devices? (Linux)

The snippet of code in the question is doing a scan for new devices rather than reporting on connected devices.

The PyBluez library is not under active development so I tend to avoid it.

BlueZ (the Bluetooth stack on Linux) offers a set of API's through D-Bus that are accessible with Python using D-Bus bindings. I prefer pydbus for most situations.

The BlueZ API is documented at:

As an example of how to implement this in Python3:

import pydbus

bus = pydbus.SystemBus()

adapter = bus.get('org.bluez', '/org/bluez/hci0')
mngr = bus.get('org.bluez', '/')

def list_connected_devices():
mngd_objs = mngr.GetManagedObjects()
for path in mngd_objs:
con_state = mngd_objs[path].get('org.bluez.Device1', {}).get('Connected', False)
if con_state:
addr = mngd_objs[path].get('org.bluez.Device1', {}).get('Address')
name = mngd_objs[path].get('org.bluez.Device1', {}).get('Name')
print(f'Device {name} [{addr}] is connected')

if __name__ == '__main__':

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