Shell Start/Stop for Python Script

shell start / stop for python script

It is because ps aux |grep SOMETHING also finds the grep SOMETHING process, because SOMETHING matches. After the execution the grep is finished, so it cannot find it.

Add a line: ps aux | grep -v grep | grep YOURSCRIPT

Where -v means exclude. More in man grep.

How to kill python script with bash script

Use pkill command as

pkill -f

(or) a more fool-proof way using pgrep to search for the actual process-id

kill $(pgrep -f 'python')

Or if more than one instance of the running program is identified and all of them needs to be killed, use killall(1) on Linux and BSD


How do I kill and restart a python script at regular intervals? Example python script included in description

You could do this through crontab (see also man crontab). The script will be a simple bash script like e.g. the following:


# kill running script
ps ax | grep | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}' | xargs kill -9

# restart
/path/to/ & disown

The crontab entry (edit with crontab -e) should look like this:

*/5 * * * * /path/to/

A much easier solution however IMHO would be to just set a hard resource limit with ulimit (see help ulimit in a bash shell) on the memory that can be used by the process, so that it will be killed whenever it exceeds the limit. Then, simply call the script in a loop with a bash script:


# limit virtual memory to 500MB
ulimit -Sv 500000 -Hv 500000

while true; do
sleep 1

Linux start-stop-daemon directory error calling shell/python script

Try calling cd using an absolute path, for example /home/alexjg/ instead of ~/; the reason it was broken before is that in your example you're using sudo which keeps the home directory of the user running it. However when you're calling the bash script from init it will use root's home directory instead which doesn't contain

The file is created because the redirection is still succeeding; however because starting Python failed there was no output.

How to run & stop python script from another python script?

You can use python Popen objects for running processes in a child process

So run('ABC.PY') would be p = Popen("python 'ABC.PY'")

if ScriptRunning('ABC.PY) would be if p.poll() == None

stop('ABC.PY') would be p.kill()

Bash script that starts python script doesn't stop itself

The parent bash script will remain as long as the child (python script) is running.
If you start the python script running in background (add & at end of python line) then the parent will exit.

export http_proxy=''
python -u /home/user/folder/ -some Parameters >> /folder/Logfile_stout.log 2>&1 &

If you examine the process list (e.g. 'ps -elf'). It will show the child (if still running). The child PPID (parent PID) will be 1(root PID) instead of the parent PID because the parent doesn't exist any more.

It could eventually be a problem if your python script never exits.
You could make the parent script wait and kill the child, e.g. wait 30 secs and kill child if it is still present:

export http_proxy=''
python -u /home/user/folder/ -some Parameters >> /folder/Logfile_stout.log 2>&1 &
sleep 30
kill %1
kill -9 %1

Programmatically stop execution of python script?

sys.exit() will do exactly what you want.

import sys
sys.exit("Error message")

How to stop/terminate a python script from running?

To stop your program, just press Control + C.

Start and stop a Python script at a specific time

If I've understood what you're asking, you could use while loops. Have it periodically check the current time with the times for the shift beginning and end. Below is a guide of what I mean, but I'm not sure the comparisons will work.

from time import sleep

def start():
time_periods = working_periods_table.find_all()
today =
for day in time_periods:
if day["day"] == today:
start_time = day["work_start_at"]
end_time = day["work_end_at"]

while True:
if >= start_time:
while True:
if >= end_time:

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