Insert Comma into Text File Using Python

How to add a comma separator to a text file in python

Assuming the original text file is data.txt

f = open('data.txt')
t = open('out.csv','w+')
t.write(' ',','))

You will find a csv file (you can also create a txt file - just change the file extension as txt) in the current directory with the desired output

Add comma at end of each line in text file from start

You can simply read all lines of your file and rewrite them appending a comma at the end of each line.
First you should read the file and save each of its' lines:

filepath = "myfile.txt"
with open(filepath) as f:
lines =

Now you have created a list with every line in your file. Then, you simply rewrite it and append the comma to each line:

with open(filepath, "w") as f:
for line in lines:
f.write(line + ",\n")

Hope this was helpful!

Adding Commas to Delineate a File using Python

Edit: Fixed the issue caught by @DarryIG.

  1. Create a list of phrases that need to remain intact. Let's call it phrase_list.
  2. Identify a character or string that will never be used in the input file. For example, here I am assuming that an underscore will never be found in the input file and assign it to the variable forbidden_str. We could also use something like %$#%$#^%&%_@^ - chances of something like that occurring is very rare.
  3. Replace multiple spaces with single spaces. Then replace spaces in phrases to _ (forbidden_str). Then replace all spaces with commas. Finally, replace _s back to spaces.

You could also simplify the reading lines part of your code using readlines().

phrase_list = ['NO LIMIT']
forbidden_str = "_"

with open(File_Name,'r') as f:
new_lines = f.readlines()
new_lines = new_lines[5:Final_Count]

with open(File_Name,"w") as f:
for line in new_lines:
for phrase in phrase_list:
if phrase in line:
line = line.replace(phrase, phrase.replace(" ", forbidden_str))
line = line.replace(" ", " ") # replaces multiple spaces with single spaces
line = line.replace(" ", ",")
line = line.replace(forbidden_str, " ")


2020MAY16,215015,2.0,1004.4,30.0,2.0,2.0,2.0,NO LIMIT,OFF,OFF,OFF,OFF,-25.84,-32.50,CRVBND,N/A,-0.0,28.52,78.54,FCST,GOES16,33.4,

Also, a quick suggestion. It's a good practice to name variables in lower case. For example, final_count instead of Final_Count. Upper cases are usually used for classes, instances, etc. It just helps in readability and debugging.

Import .txt file with commas and no spaces between numbers

It seems to be a comma-separated-value file (csv). Use the python csv module or pandas read_csv function... Or if you want genfromtxt, you can use the delimiter parameter:

genfromtxt('my_file.txt', delimiter=',')

export a comma-separated string as a text file without auto-formatting it as a CSV

I am not sure if what you need is:

csvList = ','.join(df.ColumnHeader)

where, df is of course your pandas dataframe

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