Render_Template in Python-Flask Is Not Working

Python - Flask: render_template() not found

You put your template in the wrong place. From the Flask docs:

Flask will look for templates in the templates folder. So if your application is a module, this folder is next to that module, if it’s a package it’s actually inside your package:

See the docs for more information:

`app.route` and `template_render` not working in Flask

Finally I managed to solve this issue .
The problem was 1st I runned this code via PyCharm and then by Python interpreter IDLE (obviously after closing pyCharm) and somehow PyCharm was still controlling the server even after system restart .

So after checking everything and getting now clue I just powered off my system completely and started again and then run the application via IDLE only thus solving all issue !

So the conclusion was :
->PyCharm was still controlling the server even after system restart.
->Power off and on solved the issue for me .

Sounds weird but that's how it worked .
If anyone here can explain why PyCharm was still controlling servers even after restart would be better .

Flask render_template() does not render the xhtml, but it renders correctly in my browser when I open it manually

Both files are very similar, because the secound file is just a modification of the first file using BeatifulSoup. I played around with the files and changed codeblocks step by step. I figured out, that BeautifulSoup changed

<Viewpoint ... ></Viewpoint>


<Viewpoint ... />

and jinja does not seem to like it. After changing those tags in the broken file it now gets rendered correctly:

<Viewpoint ... > </Viewpoint>

Even though noone could solve that Problem for me, I am still thankful for your input, as it got me thinking about my Problem more focussed.

Flask render_template() not being called after client POST with data

It is because you are returning the template within the handling of a POST request. You are actually parsing the template as a response to the client instead of as a page to be rendered. Instead, I recommend you to redirect to another view function to display the error with a GET request from the client side, which you pass the error_output to as a value of a query string. If you need to run some logic on the output beforehand, you can keep the original view function error. Else, you can just make use of the new one display_error, without having to go through the first one.

@app.route('/run_error/', methods=['POST'])  
def error():
if request.method = 'POST':
request_json = request.json
error_output = request_json['data']

return json.dumps({'error_output': error_ouput})

@app.route('/display_error/', methods=['GET'])
def display_error():
error_output = request.args.get('error_output')
return render_template('run_error.html', error_output=error_output)

The client side will then after a successfull post request (or without it) redirect to the display_error view function and pass error_output as a parameter:

.then(response => response)               
console.log('Success:', sent_data);
var response = JSON.parse(response);
var error_output = response["error_output"];
window.location.href = "/display_error/?error_output="+error_output;

Python Flask not displaying contents with render_template()

In base.html change {% block content %} to {% block body %}

    <div id="container">
<!-- Jinja directives: page contents will go between them -->
{% block body %}
{% endblock %}

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