How to Write Png Image to String with the Pil

How to write PNG image to string with the PIL?

You can use the BytesIO class to get a wrapper around strings that behaves like a file. The BytesIO object provides the same interface as a file, but saves the contents just in memory:

import io

with io.BytesIO() as output:, format="GIF")
contents = output.getvalue()

You have to explicitly specify the output format with the format parameter, otherwise PIL will raise an error when trying to automatically detect it.

If you loaded the image from a file it has a format property that contains the original file format, so in this case you can use format=image.format.

In old Python 2 versions before introduction of the io module you would have used the StringIO module instead.

Weird interaction with Python PIL quality parameter

Quick takeaways from the following explanations...

  1. The quality parameter for isn't used when saving PNGs.
  2. JPEG is generationally-lossy so as you keep re-saving images, they will likely degrade in quality because the algorithm will introduce more artifacting (among other things)
  3. PNG is lossless and the file size differences you're seeing are due to PIL stripping metadata when you re-save your image.

Let's look at your PNG file first. PNG is a lossless format - the image data you give it will not suffer generational loss if you were to open it and re-save it as PNG over and over again.

The quality parameter isn't even recognized by the PNG plugin to PIL - if you look at the method it is never referenced in there.

What's happening with your specific sample image is that Pillow is dropping some metadata when you re-save it in your code.

On my test system, I have your PNG saved as sample.png, and I did a simple load-and-save with the following code and save it as output.png (inside ipython)

In [1]: from PIL import Image
In [2]: img ="sample.png")
In [3]:"output.png")

Now let's look at the differences between their metadata with ImageMagick:

#> diff <(magick identify -verbose output.png) <(magick identify -verbose sample.png)

< Units: Undefined
> Resolution: 94.48x94.48
> Print size: 10.8383x10.8383
> Units: PixelsPerCentimeter
< Orientation: Undefined
> Orientation: TopLeft
> Profiles:
> Profile-exif: 5218 bytes
< date:create: 2022-08-12T21:27:13+00:00
< date:modify: 2022-08-12T21:27:13+00:00
> date:create: 2022-08-12T21:23:42+00:00
> date:modify: 2022-08-12T21:23:31+00:00
> exif:ImageDescription: IMGP5493_seamless_2.jpg
> exif:ImageLength: 1024
> exif:ImageWidth: 1024
> png:pHYs: x_res=9448, y_res=9448, units=1
> png:text: 1 tEXt/zTXt/iTXt chunks were found
> png:text-encoded profiles: 1 were found
> unknown: nomacs - Image Lounge 3.14
< Filesize: 933730B
> Filesize: 939469B
< Pixels per second: 42.9936MP
> Pixels per second: 43.7861MP

You can see there are metadata differences - PIL didn't retain some of the information when re-saving the image, especially some exif properties (you can see this PNG was actually converted from a JPG and the EXIF metadata was preserved in the conversion).

However, if you re-save the image with original image's info data...

In [1]: from PIL import Image
In [2]: img ="sample.png")
In [3]:"output-with-info.png",

You'll see that the two files are exactly the same again:

❯ sha256sum output.png output-with-info.png
37ad78a7b7000c9430f40d63aa2f0afd2b59ffeeb93285b12bbba9c7c3dec4a2 output.png
37ad78a7b7000c9430f40d63aa2f0afd2b59ffeeb93285b12bbba9c7c3dec4a2 output-with-info.png

Maybe Reducing PNG File Size

While lossless, the PNG format does allow for reducing the size of the image by specifying how aggressive the compression is (there are also more advanced things you could do like specifying a compression dictionary).

PIL exposes these options as optimize and compress_level under PNG options.


If present and true, instructs the PNG writer to make the
output file as small as possible. This includes extra
processing in order to find optimal encoder settings.


ZLIB compression level, a number between 0 and 9: 1 gives
best speed, 9 gives best compression, 0 gives no
compression at all. Default is 6. When optimize option is
True compress_level has no effect (it is set to 9 regardless
of a value passed).

And seeing it in action...

from PIL import Image

img ="sample.png")"optimized.png", optimize=True)

The resulting image I get is about 60K smaller than the original.

❯ ls -lh optimized.png sample.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 wkl staff 843K Aug 12 18:10 optimized.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 wkl staff 918K Aug 12 17:23 sample.png


Now, JPEG is a generationally-lossy image format - as you save it over and over, you will keep losing quality - it doesn't matter if your subsequent generations save it at even higher qualities than the previous ones, you've lost data already from the previous saves.

Note that the likely reason why you saw file sizes balloon if you used quality=100 is because libjpeg/libjpeg-turbo (which are the underlying libraries used by PIL for JPEG) do not do certain things when the quality is set that high, I think it doesn't do quantization which is an important step in determining how many bits are needed to compress.

Python: How to turn an IMAGE into a STRING and back?

You can convert to a string like this:

import base64

with open("image.png", "rb") as image:
b64string = base64.b64encode(

That should give you the same results as if you run this in Terminal:

base64 < image.png

And you can convert that string back to a PIL Image like this:

from PIL import Image
import io

f = io.BytesIO(base64.b64decode(b64string))
pilimage =

That should be equivalent to the following in Terminal:

base64 -D < "STRING" > recoveredimage.png

Note that if you are sending this over LoRa, you are better off sending the PNG-encoded version of the file like I am here as it is compressed and will take less time. You could, alternatively, send the expanded out in-memory version of the file but that would be nearly 50% larger. The PNG file is 13kB. The expanded out in-memory version will be 100*60*3, or 18kB.

How do I save custom information to a PNG Image file in Python?

You can store metadata in Pillow using PngImagePlugin.PngInfo like this:

from PIL import Image
from PIL.PngImagePlugin import PngInfo

targetImage ="pathToImage.png")

metadata = PngInfo()
metadata.add_text("MyNewString", "A string")
metadata.add_text("MyNewInt", str(1234))"NewPath.png", pnginfo=metadata)
targetImage ="NewPath.png")


>>> {'MyNewString': 'A string', 'MyNewInt': '1234'}

In this example I use tEXt, but you can also save it as iTXt using add_itxt.

Python PIL reading PNG from STDIN

If the png variable contains the binary data from a PNG file, you can't read it using frombuffer; that's used for reading raw pixel data. Instead, use io.StringIO and, i.e.:

import io
from PIL import Image

img =

Draw circle with PIL (Old ones doesn't works)

You can use either ImageDraw.arc() or ImageDraw.ellipse.

from PIL import Image, ImageDraw

# Image size
W, H = 100, 100

# Bounding box points
X0 = int(W / 4)
X1 = int(X0 * 3)
Y0 = int(H / 4)
Y1 = int(X0 * 3)

# Bounding box
bbox = [X0, Y0, X1, Y1]

# Set up
im ="RGB", (W, H))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)

# Draw a circle
draw.arc(bbox, 0, 360)

# Show the image

a white circle on a black background


# Draw a circle

another white circle on a black background

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