How to Simply Add a Column Level to a Pandas Dataframe

How to simply add a column level to a pandas dataframe

As suggested by @StevenG himself, a better answer:

df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([df.columns, ['C']])

# A B
# C C
# a 0 0
# b 1 1
# c 2 2
# d 3 3
# e 4 4

Inserting/Adding another column level to pandas dataframe

Try pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays

df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([col_l1,df.columns],names=['L0','L1'])

L0 col0_L0 col1_L0 col2_L0
L1 col0_L1 col1_L1 col2_L1
0 14 58 52
1 92 21 16
2 39 86 93

MultiIndex([('col0_L0', 'col0_L1'),
('col1_L0', 'col1_L1'),
('col2_L0', 'col2_L1')],
names=['L0', 'L1'])

how to add levels to a new column in pandas dataframe based on a condition?

Update: @enke's comment is MUCH cleaner than my code. If you want to place the new column in the first position, simply add the column first.

Update2: Adding more code per your question below this post about adding the answer_option column:

import pandas as pd

cols = ['Answer', 'Avg_Score']
data=[['w1', 'N/A'],
['w2', 4.3],
['w3', 1.2],
['w4', 3.5],
['w5', 'N/A'],
['w6', 3.1],
['w7', 2.4],
['w8', 1.7],
['w9', 4.6],
['w10', 'N/A'],
['w11', 3.0]]

df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = cols)

# insert new answer column in first so it's before the Answer and the Avg_Score
# insert new question number column in the first position
# Line from @enke's comment
df['question_number'] = 'Q' + df['Avg_Score'].eq('N/A').cumsum().astype(str)
df['answer_option'] = 'A' + df.groupby('question_number').cumcount().add(1).astype(str)


New Output:

   question_number answer_option Answer Avg_Score
0 Q1 A1 w1 N/A
1 Q1 A2 w2 4.3
2 Q1 A3 w3 1.2
3 Q1 A4 w4 3.5
4 Q2 A1 w5 N/A
5 Q2 A2 w6 3.1
6 Q2 A3 w7 2.4
7 Q2 A4 w8 1.7
8 Q2 A5 w9 4.6
9 Q3 A1 w10 N/A
10 Q3 A2 w11 3.0

My original post is below and you can ignore if ya wanna

I inserted a new column in the first column position then loop through each row. I rename the column names just because I can. :D I did not include the quotes and periods in your original df. But the code below may still be useful.

import pandas as pd

cols = ['Answer', 'Avg_Score']
data=[['w1', 'N/A'],
['w2', 4.3],
['w3', 1.2],
['w4', 3.5],
['w5', 'N/A'],
['w6', 3.1],
['w7', 2.4],
['w8', 1.7],
['w9', 4.6],
['w10', 'N/A'],
['w11', 3.0]]

df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = cols)
# insert new column before the Answer and the Avg_Score

# start the question counter at 0
qnum = 0

# loop through each row
for index,row in df.iterrows():
# if 'N/A' found increase the question counter
# this assume first row will always have an 'N/A'
if df.loc[index,'Avg_Score'] == 'N/A':
qnum += 1
df.loc[index,'Question'] = 'Q{}'.format(qnum)



   Question Answer Avg_Score
0 Q1 w1 N/A
1 Q1 w2 4.3
2 Q1 w3 1.2
3 Q1 w4 3.5
4 Q2 w5 N/A
5 Q2 w6 3.1
6 Q2 w7 2.4
7 Q2 w8 1.7
8 Q2 w9 4.6
9 Q3 w10 N/A
10 Q3 w11 3.0

Pandas - Add a column level to multi index

Here's a way:

cols = pd.MultiIndex(levels=[['Foo', 'Bar'], ['A', 'B', 'C'], ['a']],
labels=[[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]],
names=['L1', 'L2', 'L3'])

pd.DataFrame(columns = cols).T\
.assign(x = [0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02])\
.set_index('x', append=True).T


enter image description here

Adding a multi-level column to a single-level pandas dataframe

First we make the existing columns multi-index:

df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([df.columns,['']*len(df.columns)])

and then add new ones indexed by tuples

df[('z','z1')] = [1,1,1]
df[('z','z2')] = [2,2,2]

to get

    x   y   z
z1 z2
0 0 0 1 2
1 0 0 1 2
2 0 0 1 2

Pandas add column level which increases total columns count

Use DataFrame.reindex for repeat columns by MultiIndex values:

mux = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([df.columns, ['foo','bar','baz']])

df = df.reindex(mux, axis=1)
print (df)
a b c d
foo bar baz foo bar baz foo bar baz foo bar baz
idx1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
idx2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
idx3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

How to add a column level to pandas dataframe

Use GroupBy.cumcount for counts duplicates with converted columns to series by Index.to_series, add prefix and last assign back for MultiIndex in columns:

df = pd.DataFrame({

df.columns= list('ABCABC')
print (df)
0 a 4 7 1 5 a
1 b 5 8 3 3 a
2 c 4 9 5 6 a
3 d 5 4 7 9 b
4 e 5 2 1 2 b
5 f 4 3 0 4 b

s = df.columns.to_series()
df.columns = ['ticker ' + s.groupby(s).cumcount().add(1).astype(str), s]
print (df)
ticker 1 ticker 2
0 a 4 7 1 5 a
1 b 5 8 3 3 a
2 c 4 9 5 6 a
3 d 5 4 7 9 b
4 e 5 2 1 2 b
5 f 4 3 0 4 b

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