How to Set the Precision on Str(Numpy.Float64)

How to set the precision on str(numpy.float64)?

You can just use standard string formatting:

>>> x = 1.2345678
>>> '%.2f' % x

How to set precision of numpy float array when converting from string array?

Convert the the strings to float128.
Try this:

import numpy as np
strarray = ["535.","535.","534.68"]
floatarray = np.array(filter(None,strarray),dtype='|S10').astype(np.float128)
print floatarray


[ 535.0  535.0  534.68]

Or use the recommended longdouble:

import numpy as np
strarray = ["535.","535.","534.68"]
floatarray = np.array(filter(None,strarray),dtype='|S10').astype(np.longdouble)
print floatarray


[ 535.0  535.0  534.68]

Formatting floats in a numpy array

In order to make numpy display float arrays in an arbitrary format, you can define a custom function that takes a float value as its input and returns a formatted string:

In [1]: float_formatter = "{:.2f}".format

The f here means fixed-point format (not 'scientific'), and the .2 means two decimal places (you can read more about string formatting here).

Let's test it out with a float value:

In [2]: float_formatter(1.234567E3)
Out[2]: '1234.57'

To make numpy print all float arrays this way, you can pass the formatter= argument to np.set_printoptions:

In [3]: np.set_printoptions(formatter={'float_kind':float_formatter})

Now numpy will print all float arrays this way:

In [4]: np.random.randn(5) * 10
Out[4]: array([5.25, 3.91, 0.04, -1.53, 6.68]

Note that this only affects numpy arrays, not scalars:

In [5]: np.pi
Out[5]: 3.141592653589793

It also won't affect non-floats, complex floats etc - you will need to define separate formatters for other scalar types.

You should also be aware that this only affects how numpy displays float values - the actual values that will be used in computations will retain their original precision.

For example:

In [6]: a = np.array([1E-9])

In [7]: a
Out[7]: array([0.00])

In [8]: a == 0
Out[8]: array([False], dtype=bool)

numpy prints a as if it were equal to 0, but it is not - it still equals 1E-9.

If you actually want to round the values in your array in a way that affects how they will be used in calculations, you should use np.round, as others have already pointed out.

Formatting numpy float values

You can define a custom function:

>>> myformat = lambda x: "%.3f" % x
>>> myformat(8.928571429999999509e+02)

Difference in precision in np.float64 and python float (64)

As mentioned by @hpaulj in comments, it is not calculation precision. It is printing. Add this line to your code to see the precision you would like while printing in numpy:


output of your code after above line:

dist1: [0.6858955910000049]
dist [0.6858955910000049]

Convert floating point number to a certain precision, and then copy to string

With Python < 3 (e.g. 2.6 [see comments] or 2.7), there are two ways to do so.

# Option one
older_method_string = "%.9f" % numvar

# Option two
newer_method_string = "{:.9f}".format(numvar)

But note that for Python versions above 3 (e.g. 3.2 or 3.3), option two is preferred.

For more information on option two, I suggest this link on string formatting from the Python documentation.

And for more information on option one, this link will suffice and has info on the various flags.

Python 3.6 (officially released in December of 2016), added the f string literal, see more information here, which extends the str.format method (use of curly braces such that f"{numvar:.9f}" solves the original problem), that is,

# Option 3 (versions 3.6 and higher)
newest_method_string = f"{numvar:.9f}"

solves the problem. Check out @Or-Duan's answer for more info, but this method is fast.

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