How to Get Rid of the B-Prefix in a String in Python

How do I get rid of b prefix and ' ' in a string variable

One easy way is to interpolate the bytestrings into another bytestring, do not mix them. Then at the end just decode the bytestring if you want a string:

>>> no = "Interpolate string and %s" % b
>>> no
"Interpolate string and b'bytes'"

>>> yes = b"Interpolate bytes and %s" % b
>>> yes
b'Interpolate bytes and bytes'

>>> yes.decode()
'Interpolate bytes and bytes'

So in your example code:

>>> TCi = b"1"
>>> TCo = b"2"
>>> IOtc = b"playrange set: in: %s out: %s\n" % (TCi, TCo)
>>> IOtc
b'playrange set: in: 1 out: 2\n'

And since you need a bytestring at the end to write to the telnet session, this way you wouldn't need to re encode your resulting string, use the bytestring as is instead.

How to remove b symbol in python3

The b symbol indicates that the output of check_process is a bytes rather than a str. The best way to remove it is to convert the output to string before you do any further work on it:

byte_data=subprocess.check_output(["df -k | awk '{print $6}'"],shell=True)
str_data = byte_data.decode('utf-8')

The decode method will take care of any unicode you may have in the string. If your default encoding (or the one used by awk I suppose) is not UTF-8, substitute the correct one in the example above.

Possibly an even better way to get around this issue is to tell check_output to open stdout as a text stream. The easiest way is to add a universal_newlines=True argument, which will use the default encoding for your current locale:

str_data = subprocess.check_output(["df -k | awk '{print $6}'"], shell=True, universal_newlines=True)

Alternatively, you can specify an explicit encoding:

str_data = subprocess.check_output(["df -k | awk '{print $6}'"], shell=True, encoding='utf-8')

In both of these cases, you do not need to decode because the output will already be str rather than bytes.

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