If-Condition With Multiple Actions in Robot Framework

Robot Framework Multiple Statements in If Condition

Using "Run keywords" is the correct solution. However, in order to run multiple keywords you must separate keywords with a literal AND:

...    ELSE     run keywords
... log ${status}
... AND FAIL Values Do Not Match

Handle multiple statements in Run Keyword If - Robot Framework

Off-course we can execute multiple statements in Run Keyword If

The If Statement should be

Run Keyword If    ${isElementExist}    Run Keywords    click element      id=btn1
... AND click element id=btn2
... AND click element id=btn3

The Complete Code is

*** Settings ***
Library Selenium2Library
Library Collections

*** Keywords ***
Parent Routine
${isElementExist} Run Keyword And Return Status Element Should Be Visible id=txt1
Run Keyword If ${isElementExist} Run Keywords click element id=btn1
... AND click element id=btn2
... AND click element id=btn3

*** Test Cases ***
Sample Test Case
[Documentation] Simple test for If Condition
Parent Routine

How to write multiple conditions of if-statement in Robot Framework

You should use small caps "or" and "and" instead of OR and AND.

And beware also the spaces/tabs between keywords and arguments (you need at least two spaces).

Here is a code sample with your three keywords working fine:

Here is the file ts.txt:

  *** test cases ***
${color} = set variable Red
Run Keyword If '${color}' == 'Red' log to console \nexecuted with single condition
Run Keyword If '${color}' == 'Red' or '${color}' == 'Blue' or '${color}' == 'Pink' log to console \nexecuted with multiple or

${color} = set variable Blue
${Size} = set variable Small
${Simple} = set variable Simple
${Design} = set variable Simple
Run Keyword If '${color}' == 'Blue' and '${Size}' == 'Small' and '${Design}' != '${Simple}' log to console \nexecuted with multiple and

${Size} = set variable XL
${Design} = set variable Complicated
Run Keyword Unless '${color}' == 'Black' or '${Size}' == 'Small' or '${Design}' == 'Simple' log to console \nexecuted with unless and multiple or

and here is what I get when I execute it:

$ pybot ts.txt
mytest .
executed with single condition
executed with multiple or
executed with unless and multiple or
mytest | PASS |

Evaluating multiple If conditions in Robot framework

There are at least four problems with the code you've posted:

  1. there's only one space after the first "if"
  2. "else if" is lowercase. It must be all uppercase (ELSE IF)
  3. you have commas in your code. robot syntax doesn't support commas as field separators
  4. your code seems to span multiple lines but you aren't using the robot line continuation characters ...

Robot Framework - performing multiple keywords after running keyword if

You can do a couple of things. The first is to create a new keyword that calls all the other keywords, and then call that from Run keyword if. This might be the most readable solution, but at the expense of having to write and document another keyword.

The other choice is to use a combination of Run keyword if and Run keywords, like so:

| | Run Keyword if | '${title}' == 'Some Title'
| | ... | Run Keywords
| | ... | Click Element | xpath=some element
| | ... | AND | Element Text Should Be | xpath=some element | some text
| | ... | ELSE
| | ... | Click Element | xpath=other element

how to use both And and Or condition in robot framework

In the below examples the different combinations are tested against a keyword that validates the combinations using the and/or validations. Please keep in mind that this kind of and/or check can also be separate ELSE IF statements.

*** Test Cases ***
[Template] Validate App and Contains
App Name true
App Name false
My app Name true
My app Name false
Not My Name true
Not My Name false

*** Keywords ***
Validate App and Contains
[Arguments] ${App_Name} ${Contains_True}
Run Keyword If
... ('${Contains_True}'=='true' and '${App_Name}'=='App Name') or '${App_Name}'=='My app Name' Return From Keyword Accept
... ELSE IF '${Contains_True}'== 'true' Log App Name is not as expected:"${App_Name}" level=WARN console=${True}
... ELSE Fail Of the combo "${App_Name}"/"${Contains_True}" None of the values are correct.

IF ELSE in robot framework with variables assignment

Having IF/THEN/ELSE with multiple statements in each block does not work in Robot (or you would have to use "Run Keywords" I suppose, but that would become unreadable). So I would refactor your code this way:

Choose Particular Filter ${FILTER} And Uncheck All Values
${is_filter_opened}= is filter opened ${AVAILABLE FILTERS} ${FILTER}
run keyword if ${is_filter_opened} actions_when_unchecked
... ELSE actions_when_checked

uncheck all in filter ${AVAILABLE FILTERS} ${FILTER}
click element ${uncheck_all_button}

${particular_filter}: find particular filter ${AVAILABLE FILTERS} ${FILTER}
click element ${particular_filter}
${uncheck_all_button}: uncheck all in filter ${AVAILABLE FILTERS} ${FILTER}
click element ${uncheck_all_button}

Hope this helps.

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