How to Rename a File Using Python

How to rename a file using Python

Use os.rename:

import os

os.rename('a.txt', 'b.kml')



Rename the filename using python

You need the path when renaming file with os.rename:


os.rename(filename, filename[:-8])


filename_part, extension = os.path.splitext(filename)
os.rename(path+filename, path+filename_part[:-8]+extension)

How do i rename a bunch of files with a list from a text file in Python?

The error message indicates the problem if you read it carefully. The destination file name contains a newline character at the end, which isn't allowed on Windows.

To read the lines without newlines, try

with open("new_names.txt") as file:
lines = [line.rstrip("\n") for line in file]

However, it's also weird to use a separate function to obtain the n:th object out of a list; indexing is a fundamental built-in method of lists.

files = os.listdir()
for idx, filename in enumerate(files):
os.rename(filename, lines[idx])

Identically, you could zip the two lists, as suggested in the other answer, but then you still separately have to remove new_names.txt from the input list first, like the code above does.

If the new names are as monotonous as your question suggests, maybe just generate them on the fly instead of putting them in a file.

idx = 1
for filename in os.listdir():
if file == "new_names.txt":
os.rename(filename, f"{idx}-newname.txt")
idx += 1

If you want to apply formatting to the number, try e.g. f"{idx:02}-newname.txt" to force the index number to two digits with zero padding.

Rename and move file with Python

os.rename (and os.replace) won't work if the source and target locations are on different partitions/drives/devices. If that's the case, you need to use shutil.move, which will use atomic renaming if possible, and fallback to copy-then-delete if the destination is not on the same file system. It's perfectly happy to both move and rename in the same operation; the operation is the same regardless.

How to rename files with same string and add suffix

Hopefully I understood what you wanted correctly. But heres how to do it below.

# importing os module
import os

# Function to rename multiple files
def main():

folder = "1"

# Keeps track of count of file name based on first field
fileNameCountDic = {}

for count, filename in enumerate(os.listdir(folder)):

# Original path to file
src = f"{folder}/{filename}" # foldername/filename, if .py file is outside folder

# Get first field in file name so "B2011-BLUE-BW.jpg" -> "B2011"
firstFileNameField = filename.split("-")[0]

# If first field in filename is not in dic set it to be the first one
if firstFileNameField not in fileNameCountDic:
else: # Else inc the count

# Turn file count number to String
fileNumber = str(fileNameCountDic[firstFileNameField])
if len(fileNumber)==1: # Add space if one digit
fileNumber=" "+fileNumber

# Set the new path of the file
dst = f"{folder}/{firstFileNameField}-{fileNumber}.jpg"

# rename() function will
# rename all the files
os.rename(src, dst)


Changing name of the file to parent folder name

So, based on what I understood, you have a single file in each folder. You would like to rename the file with the same folder name and preserve the extension.

import os

# Passing the path to your parent folders
path = r'D:\bat4'

# Getting a list of folders with date names
folders = os.listdir(path)

for folder in folders:
files = os.listdir(r'{}\{}'.format(path, folder))

# Accessing files inside each folder
for file in files:

# Getting the file extension
extension_pos = file.rfind(".")
extension = file[extension_pos:]

# Renaming your file
os.rename(r'{}\{}\{}'.format(path, folder, file),
r'{}\{}\{}{}'.format(path, folder, folder, extension))

I have tried it on my own files as follows:

Sample Image

Sample Image

This is an example for the output:

Sample Image

I hope I got your point. :)

Renaming multiple files in a directory using Python

You are not giving the whole path while renaming, do it like this:

import os
path = '/Users/myName/Desktop/directory'
files = os.listdir(path)

for index, file in enumerate(files):
os.rename(os.path.join(path, file), os.path.join(path, ''.join([str(index), '.jpg'])))

Edit: Thanks to tavo, The first solution would move the file to the current directory, fixed that.

How to rename files in reverse order in Python?

I don't know if this is the most optimal way of doing that, but here it is:

import os

folder_name = "test"
new_folder_name = folder_name + "_new"

file_names = os.listdir(folder_name)
file_names_new = file_names[::-1]


for name, new_name in zip(file_names, file_names_new):
os.rename(folder_name + "/" + name, new_folder_name + "/" + new_name)

os.rename(new_folder_name, folder_name)

This assumes that you have files saved in the directory "test"

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