Detect Specific Keypresses in Gui

Detect specific keypresses in GUI

You probably need to handle the "key-press-event" (and probably also "key-release-event") of GtkWidget. PyGtk knows about it.

It should be inside some "windowing" widget, so you may need to use GtkEventBox as a container.

Using Java, How to detect keypresses without using GUI components?

It can be implemented using JNI and/or JNA but this cannot be really called "java implementation" because you will have to write platform specific native code.

Alternative solution I tried is to use full screen transparent widow that is listening to all events of mouse and keyboard and "forwards" them to the real application using class Robot. I tried this approach. It works well with one limitation: there is a problem to support "mouse over" events of applications: the mouse is not moving over the real application. It is moving over the transparent java window.

Detect key input in Python

You could make a little Tkinter app:

import Tkinter as tk

def onKeyPress(event):
text.insert('end', 'You pressed %s\n' % (event.char, ))

root = tk.Tk()
text = tk.Text(root, background='black', foreground='white', font=('Comic Sans MS', 12))
root.bind('<KeyPress>', onKeyPress)

Detect a key press in console

If you want to play with the console, you can start with this:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class ScannerTest {

public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
boolean exit = false;
while (!exit) {
System.out.println("Enter command (quit to exit):");
String input = keyboard.nextLine();
if(input != null) {
System.out.println("Your input is : " + input);
if ("quit".equals(input)) {
System.out.println("Exit programm");
exit = true;
} else if ("x".equals(input)) {
//Do something

Simply run ScannerTest and type any text, followed by 'enter'

Check if a specific key is pressed in tkinter

Bind KeyRelease or Key to a function. The function will be called with an argument when the event occurs. The argument will contain all the information about the event.

Sample output:

<KeyPress event state=Mod1|Mod3 keysym=d keycode=68 char='d' x=85 y=111>

now to get the key use event.keysym

sample program:

from tkinter import *

def fun(event):
print(event.keysym, event.keysym=='a')

root = Tk()

root.bind("<KeyRelease>", fun)

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