How to Extract the N-Th Elements from a List of Tuples

How to extract the n-th elements from a list of tuples

n = 1 # N. . .
[x[n] for x in elements]

Best way to get the nth element of each tuple from a list of tuples in Python

At least the fastest way in Python 2.7 is

t0,t1,t2=zip(*G) for SMALLER lists and [x[0] for x in G] in general

Here is the test:

from operator import itemgetter

G = [(1, 2, 3), ('a', 'b', 'c'), ('you', 'and', 'me')]

def f1():
return tuple(x[0] for x in G)

def f2():
return tuple(map(itemgetter(0), G))

def f3():
return tuple(x for x, y, z in G)

def f4():
return tuple(list(zip(*G))[0])

def f5():
return t0

def f6():
return t0



    rate/sec     f4     f5     f1     f2     f3     f6
f4 494,220 -- -21.9% -24.1% -24.3% -26.6% -67.6%
f5 632,623 28.0% -- -2.9% -3.0% -6.0% -58.6%
f1 651,190 31.8% 2.9% -- -0.2% -3.2% -57.3%
f2 652,457 32.0% 3.1% 0.2% -- -3.0% -57.3%
f3 672,907 36.2% 6.4% 3.3% 3.1% -- -55.9%
f6 1,526,645 208.9% 141.3% 134.4% 134.0% 126.9% --

If you don't care if the result is a list, a list comprehension if faster.

Here is a more extended benchmark with variable list sizes:

from operator import itemgetter
import time
import timeit
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def f1():
return [x[0] for x in G]

def f1t():
return tuple([x[0] for x in G])

def f2():
return tuple([x for x in map(itemgetter(0), G)])

def f3():
return tuple([x for x, y, z in G])

def f4():
return tuple(list(zip(*G))[0])

def f6():
return t0

for c in range(*r):
G=[range(3) for i in range(c)]
for f in results.keys():

for f,res in sorted(results.items(),key=itemgetter(1),reverse=True):
if f.__name__ in ['f6','f1','f1t']:
plt.plot(res, label=f.__name__,linewidth=2.5)
plt.plot(res, label=f.__name__,linewidth=.5)

plt.xlabel('data size => {}'.format(r))
plt.legend(loc='upper right')

Which produces this plot for smaller data sizes (5 to 35):


And this output for larger ranges (25 to 250):


You can see that f1, a list comprehension is fastest. f6 and f1t trading places as the fastest to return a tuple.

How to extract the n-th elements equal to a value from a list of tuples in python

Try like this,

In [1]: num = [('A15', 2, 'BC', 721.16), ('A21', 3, 'AB', 631.31), 
('A42', 4, 'EE', 245.43),('A15', 2, 'BC', 856.16)]
In [2]: max((i for i in num if i[1] == 2),key=lambda x:x[3])
Out[2]: ('A15', 2, 'BC', 856.16)

How to get 2nd elements from tuples in Python?

Use a list comprehension with a filter.

myList = [...]
output = [x[1] for x in myList if x[0] == 'tuple1elem1']

How to extract the n-th Elements of tuples inside a list in OCaml

There are two problems with the code:

  1. sum takes an argument lst and then it returns a function. You either want to remove lst argument or replace function with match lst with.

  2. You're matching the tail of the list as a tuple instead of a list.

Fixed code:

let rec sum = function
[] -> 0.0
| (a, h) :: tl -> h +. sum tl;;

or, if you want to use match:

let rec sum lst = match lst with
[] -> 0.0
| (a, h) :: tl -> h +. sum tl;;

how get the nth string in a list of tuples through list-comprehension?

If you actually have a list of tuples, like this:

data = {
"col": [
("affect", "the risks"),
("have", "we"),
("breached", "our systems"),
("cease", "our computer"),
("suffer", ""),
("allow", ""),
("damage", "misappropriation"),
("require", "proprietary"),
("incur", "us"),
("remediate", "us"),
("resolve", "us"),

Then extracting things the way you want is relatively easy:

item0 = [x[0] for x in data["col"]]
item1 = [x[1] for x in data["col"]]

print("item0:", item0)
print("item1:", item1)

That gets us:

item0: ['affect', 'have', 'breached', 'cease', 'suffer', 'allow', 'damage', 'require', 'incur', 'remediate', 'resolve']
item1: ['the risks', 'we', 'our systems', 'our computer', '', '', 'misappropriation', 'proprietary', 'us', 'us', 'us']

Unfortunately, you don't have a list of tuples, and it's not clear
from your question if that's just a typo or if you have simply
mis-described your data. When you write:

df = {
"col": [
"[('affect', 'the risks')]",
"[('have', 'we'), ('breached', 'our systems'), ('cease', 'our computer'), ('suffer', ''), ('allow', ''), ('damage', 'misappropriation'), ('require', 'proprietary'), ('incur', 'us'), ('remediate', 'us'), ('resolve', 'us')]",

You have a list of two strings. The first is:

>>> df['col'][0]
"[('affect', 'the risks')]"

And the second is:

>>> df['col'][1]
"[('have', 'we'), ('breached', 'our systems'), ('cease', 'our computer'), ('suffer', ''), ('allow', ''), ('damage', 'misappropriation'), ('require', 'proprietary'), ('incur', 'us'), ('remediate', 'us'), ('resolve', 'us')]"

Processing these is going to be a little tricky. Things will be much
easier if you can arrange for your data to be formatted as a list of
tuples instead.

Is there any way to access the second element of every tuple in a list of tuples?

I do not think that you need an in-built method to do that, neither is it available. You can simply scan each element of the list and get your result. Have a look at this:

L = [("cat", "meow"), ("dog", "bark"), ("wolf", "bark"), ("cow", "moo")]
for idx in range(1,len(L)):
if L[idx][1] == "bark":
if L[idx-1][1] in ["bark", "meow"]:
print L[idx-1][0]+", "+L[idx][0]

Hope it helps.

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