How to Execute Python Scripts in Windows

How to execute Python scripts in Windows?

When you execute a script without typing "python" in front, you need to know two things about how Windows invokes the program. First is to find out what kind of file Windows thinks it is:

C:\>assoc .py

Next, you need to know how Windows is executing things with that extension. It's associated with the file type "Python.File", so this command shows what it will be doing:

C:\>ftype Python.File
Python.File="c:\python26\python.exe" "%1" %*

So on my machine, when I type " foo", it will execute this exact command, with no difference in results than if I had typed the full thing myself:

"c:\python26\python.exe" "" foo

If you type the same thing, including the quotation marks, then you'll get results identical to when you just type " foo". Now you're in a position to figure out the rest of your problem for yourself.

(Or post more helpful information in your question, like actual cut-and-paste copies of what you see in the console. Note that people who do that type of thing get their questions voted up, and they get reputation points, and more people are likely to help them with good answers.)

Brought In From Comments:

Even if assoc and ftype display the correct information, it may happen that the arguments are stripped off. What may help in that case is directly fixing the relevant registry keys for Python. Set the


key to:

"C:\Python26\python26.exe" "%1" %*

Likely, previously, %* was missing. Similarly, set


to the same value. See

example registry setting for python.exe
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Applications\python.exe\shell\open\command The registry path may vary, use python26.exe or python.exe or whichever is already in the registry.

Sample Image

How to constantly run Python script in the background on Windows?

On Windows, you can use pythonw.exe in order to run a python script as a background process:

Python scripts (files with the extension .py) will be executed by
python.exe by default. This executable opens a terminal, which stays
open even if the program uses a GUI. If you do not want this to
happen, use the extension .pyw which will cause the script to be
executed by pythonw.exe by default (both executables are located in
the top-level of your Python installation directory). This suppresses
the terminal window on startup.

For example,

C:\ThanosDodd\Python3.6\pythonw.exe C:\\Python\Scripts\

In order to make your script run continuously, you can use sched for event scheduling:

The sched module defines a class which implements a general purpose
event scheduler

import sched
import time

event_schedule = sched.scheduler(time.time, time.sleep)

def do_something():
print("Hello, World!")
event_schedule.enter(30, 1, do_something, (sc,))

event_schedule.enter(30, 1, do_something, (s,))

Now in order to kill a background process on Windows, you simply need to run:

taskkill /pid processId /f

Where processId is the ID of the process you want to kill.

Running python scripts on windows 10 cmd just by typing python

dpath is the equivalent to path for data files. Type dpath /? note it was once called append and the help hasn't been updated.

That answers your question as you've asked.

Perhaps you should have asked how do I just type my script name?


associate .py with the python interpreter.

Use commands ftype and assoc

ftype PythonScript=c:\pathtofolder\python.exe %*

assoc .py=PythonScript

Then add your SCRIPT path to the path command

Setx path "%path%;C:\MyPythonScriptFolder"

Set path=%path%;C:\MyPythonScriptFolder"

Then tell windows command prompt to assume .py files are executable so it will search the path for it.

Set pathext=%pathext%;.py

Run python script on Windows 10

Your code is working good.
The problem is that the cmd closes the window too fast and you can't see the result.
Just add a command to wait for your interaction before closing the window.

You can add this at the end of your code:

input("Press Enter to finish...")

Or pause the execution after completion:

import time

[at the end of the code pause for 5 seconds....]


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