How to Emulate a Do-While Loop

How to emulate a do-while loop?

I am not sure what you are trying to do. You can implement a do-while loop like this:

while True:
if fail_condition:


while not fail_condition:

What are you doing trying to use a do while loop to print the stuff in the list? Why not just use:

for i in l:
print i
print "done"


So do you have a list of lines? And you want to keep iterating through it? How about:

for s in l: 
while True:
# use a "break" instead of s =

Does that seem like something close to what you would want? With your code example, it would be:

for s in some_list:
while True:
if state is STATE_CODE:
if "//" in s:
tokens.add( TOKEN_COMMENT, s.split( "//" )[1] )
else :
tokens.add( TOKEN_CODE, s )
if state is STATE_COMMENT:
if "//" in s:
tokens.append( TOKEN_COMMENT, s.split( "//" )[1] )
break # get next s
state = STATE_CODE
# re-evaluate same line
# continues automatically

how to emulate the do while statement in python?

Python doesn't have a do while loop, u can simulate it like this

i = 1  

while True:
i = i + 1
if(i > 100):

Emulating a do-while loop in Bash

Two simple solutions:

  1. Execute your code once before the while loop

    actions() {
    # Do other stuff

    actions #1st execution
    while [ current_time <= $cutoff ]; do
    actions # Loop execution
  2. Or:

    while : ; do
    [[ current_time <= $cutoff ]] || break

Why there is no do while loop in python

There is no do...while loop because there is no nice way to define one that fits in the statement: indented block pattern used by every other Python compound statement. As such proposals to add such syntax have never reached agreement.

Nor is there really any need to have such a construct, not when you can just do:

while True:
# statement(s)
if not condition:

and have the exact same effect as a C do { .. } while condition loop.

See PEP 315 -- Enhanced While Loop:

Rejected [...] because no syntax emerged that could
compete with the following form:

    while True:
<setup code>
if not <condition>:
<loop body>

A syntax alternative to the one proposed in the PEP was found for
a basic do-while loop but it gained little support because the
condition was at the top:

    do ... while <cond>:
<loop body>

or, as Guido van Rossum put it:

Please reject the PEP. More variations along these lines won't make the
language more elegant or easier to learn. They'd just save a few hasty
folks some typing while making others who have to read/maintain their code
wonder what it means.

Why is my nested while loop not working? if and second while loop is expected

Try this

used = []

#First Loop
while True:
search = True #moved search = True here so that the nested loop will run each iteration of the main loop as it will be set back to True
pic = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR,value=".image-post img")
pic_url = pic.get_attribute("src") #you’re not doing anything with this from the looks of it
pic_title = pic.get_attribute("alt") #same with this

#Second loop
while search:
pic = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, value=".image-post img")
if pic != used:#may want to change “used” to “used[-1]” here as used is a list while it appears pic is not, so the -1 will get the last value in used
search = False


You could also replace search with True and change the “search = False” with “break”

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