How to Copy a Class

How to copy a class?

In general, inheritance is the right way to go, as the other posters have already pointed out.

However, if you really want to recreate the same type with a different name and without inheritance then you can do it like this:

class B(object):
x = 3

CopyOfB = type('CopyOfB', B.__bases__, dict(B.__dict__))

b = B()
cob = CopyOfB()

print b.x # Prints '3'
print cob.x # Prints '3'

b.x = 2
cob.x = 4

print b.x # Prints '2'
print cob.x # Prints '4'

You have to be careful with mutable attribute values:

class C(object):
x = []

CopyOfC = type('CopyOfC', C.__bases__, dict(C.__dict__))

c = C()
coc = CopyOfC()


print c.x # Prints '[1, 2]' (!)
print coc.x # Prints '[1, 2]' (!)

How to copy a Python class instance if deepcopy() does not work?

I have mostly figured it out. The only problem which I cannot overcome is knowing an acceptable set of initialization arguments (arguments for __init__) for all classes. So I have to make the following two assumtions:

1) I have a set of default arguments for class C which I call argsC.
2) All objects in C can be initialized with empty arguments.

In which case I can
Initialize a new instance of the class C from it's instance which I want to copy c:

c_copy = c.__class__(**argsC)

Go through all the attributes of c and set the attributes c_copy to be a copy of the attributes of c

for att in c.__dict__:
setattr(c_copy, att, object_copy(getattr(c,att)))

where object_copy is a recursive application of the function we are building.

Delete all attributes in c_copy but not in c:

for att in c_copy.__dict__:
if not hasattr(c, att):
delattr(c_copy, att)

Putting this all together we have:

import copy

def object_copy(instance, init_args=None):
if init_args:
new_obj = instance.__class__(**init_args)
new_obj = instance.__class__()
if hasattr(instance, '__dict__'):
for k in instance.__dict__ :
attr_copy = copy.deepcopy(getattr(instance, k))
except Exception as e:
attr_copy = object_copy(getattr(instance, k))
setattr(new_obj, k, attr_copy)

new_attrs = list(new_obj.__dict__.keys())
for k in new_attrs:
if not hasattr(instance, k):
delattr(new_obj, k)
return new_obj
return instance

So putting it all together we have:

argsC = {'a':1, 'b':1}
c = C(4,5,r=[[1],2,3])
c.a = 11
del c.b
c_copy = object_copy(c, argsC)

{'a': 11, 'r': [[1], 2, 3]}


{'a': 11, 'r': [[1], 2, 3]}


{'a': 11, 'r': [[1, 33], 2, 3]}


{'a': 11, 'r': [[1], 2, 3]}

Which is the desired outcome. It uses deepcopy if it can, but for the cases where it would raise an exception, it can do without.

How to copy a class object in python

You're right, using deepcopy from the built-in copy module is the way to go, since you want the exact replica of the Object Foo.

from copy import deepcopy

class Foo:

Foo_copy = deepcopy(Foo)
# Foo_copy(5) will work exactly the same way Foo(5) would work without affecting it.
# Foo_copy = deepcopy(Foo(5)) works the same way as well, but here, Foo_copy.nums will be 5.

Here, passing the object Foo(5) will return a Foo object, passing it without any args will return __name__.Foo

Is this a good way to copy a class?

There are two kinds of copying objects.

  1. reference copy
  2. value copy

to copy an object by reference you can just use '=' operator.


var o1 = new ClassClass();
var o2 = o1;

to copying an object by value, there are several ways, such as:

Copy by a constructor (as you wrote)

    public class Student
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }

public Student(Student std)
FirstName = std.FirstName;
LastName = std.LastName;

Make a helper class an pass the s1 as input and return s2 as

    static void Main(string[] args)
var s1 = new Student();
var s2 = ClassHelper.CopyObject(s1);


public static class ClassHelper
public static Student CopyObject(Student std)
var newStudent = new Student()
FirstName = std.FirstName,
LastName = std.LastName
return newStudent;

Generic Copy Objects (using Refelection)

private static void CopyClass<T>(T copyFrom, T copyTo, bool copyChildren)
if (copyFrom == null || copyTo == null)
throw new Exception("Must not specify null parameters");

var properties = copyFrom.GetType().GetProperties();

foreach (var p in properties.Where(prop => prop.CanRead && prop.CanWrite))
if (p.PropertyType.IsClass && p.PropertyType != typeof(string))
if (!copyChildren) continue;

var destinationClass = Activator.CreateInstance(p.PropertyType);
object copyValue = p.GetValue(copyFrom);

CopyClass(copyValue, destinationClass, copyChildren);

p.SetValue(copyTo, destinationClass);
object copyValue = p.GetValue(copyFrom);
p.SetValue(copyTo, copyValue);

Write an extension method for this class and I recommended to do this.

public static class ExtensionClass
public static Student CopyAsNewObject(this Student std)
var newStudent = new Student()
FirstName = std.FirstName,
LastName = std.LastName
return newStudent;

static void Main(string[] args)
var s1 = new Student();
var s2 = s1.CopyAsNewObject();

(C#) How to copy classes by value type and not reference type?

Perform a Deep or Shallow Copy depending on your needs.

How to copy properties of one class to another in javascript, including methods

You can iterate the property names of B's prototype and assign them to the instance of a excluding the constructor in the following way:

class A {
myFunc() {
throw 'I have not been created yet'
class B {
myFunc() {
console.log(`it's all good now!`)

let a = new A();
let b = new B();
//Object.assign(a, b)

for (const prop of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(B.prototype).filter(prop => prop !== "constructor"))
a[prop] = B.prototype[prop]

// explicitly copying the method works
//a.myFunc = b.myFunc;


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