Automatically Initialize Instance Variables

Automatically initialize instance variables?

You can use a decorator:

from functools import wraps
import inspect

def initializer(func):
Automatically assigns the parameters.

>>> class process:
... @initializer
... def __init__(self, cmd, reachable=False, user='root'):
... pass
>>> p = process('halt', True)
>>> p.cmd, p.reachable, p.user
('halt', True, 'root')
names, varargs, keywords, defaults = inspect.getargspec(func)

def wrapper(self, *args, **kargs):
for name, arg in list(zip(names[1:], args)) + list(kargs.items()):
setattr(self, name, arg)

for name, default in zip(reversed(names), reversed(defaults)):
if not hasattr(self, name):
setattr(self, name, default)

func(self, *args, **kargs)

return wrapper

Use it to decorate the __init__ method:

class process:
def __init__(self, PID, PPID, cmd, FDs, reachable, user):


>>> c = process(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
>>> c.PID
>>> dir(c)
['FDs', 'PID', 'PPID', '__doc__', '__init__', '__module__', 'cmd', 'reachable', 'user'

What happens when you initialize instance variables outside of __init__

The __init__ method is not special. The only thing that makes __init__ interesting is the fact that it gets called when you call MyClass().

The following are equivalent:

# Set inside __init__
class MyClassA:
def __init__(self):
self.x = 0
obj = MyClassA()

# Set inside other method
class MyClassB:
def my_initialize(self):
self.x = 0
obj = MyClassB()

# Set from outside any method, no self
class MyClassC:
obj = MyClassC()
obj.x = 0

What makes an instance variable is when you assign it, and that can happen anywhere. Also note that self is not special either, it's just an ordinary function parameter (and in fact, you can name it something other than self).

so that the memory is properly reserved for this variable per instance.

You do not need to "reserve memory" in Python. With ordinary object instances, when you assign self.x = 0 or obj.x = 0, it is kind of like putting a value in a dictionary. In fact,

# This is sometimes equivalent, depending on how obj is defined
obj.__dict__['x'] = 0

Ruby - automatically initialize class instance variables of child classes without inheriting the value

You don't have to initialize the class variable when it is being inherited. The Ruby style is to return and assign default value when the variable has not been set and is being accessed for the first time.

Just create another class method for that:

class AbstractClass
def self.metadata
@metadata ||= []

def self.add_metadata(metadata)
self.metadata << metadata

class ChildClass1 < AbstractClass

class ChildClass2 < AbstractClass

AbstractClass.metadata # => []
ChildClass1.metadata # => [:child_class1]
ChildClass2.metadata # => [:child_class2]

Automatically initialize multiple instance of class

You can create a class FishPopulation and then store there all the Fish you need based on the size argument. For example, something like this would work:

import numpy as np

class Fish:
def __init__(self):
self.resistance_threshold = np.random.normal(0, 1)

class FishPopulation:
def __init__(self, size=1000):
self.size = size
self.fishes = [Fish() for _ in range(size)]

You can iterate over it like this:

fish_population = FishPopulation(size=10)
for fish in fish_population.fishes:


And you can access their indexes like this:


>>> -0.9658927669391391

If we define own constructor then how does java initialize instance variables to their default value

Java assigns default values to instance variables using default constructor.

No, not really. It automatically assigns default values to all members prior to executing any constructor.

But if we define our own constructor then how does java give default values (because when we write our constructor then, then default constructor is not added).

It still assigns default values to all members.

class Test {

int i;
Object ref;

Test() {

public static void main(String[] args) {
new Test();



default value for instance variable in the class body

Field initialization occurs before the constructor body is executed. It's helpful in some occasions, for example if you have multiple constructors, and the field should have the same initial value. In your example, you always want to start with an empty list, so you avoid null pointer exceptions. This is indeed a good practice for collections in general.

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