How Is Returning the Output of a Function Different from Printing It

How is returning the output of a function different from printing it?

print simply prints out the structure to your output device (normally the console). Nothing more. To return it from your function, you would do:

def autoparts():
parts_dict = {}
list_of_parts = open('list_of_parts.txt', 'r')
for line in list_of_parts:
k, v = line.split()
parts_dict[k] = v
return parts_dict

Why return? Well if you don't, that dictionary dies (gets garbage collected) and is no longer accessible as soon as this function call ends. If you return the value, you can do other stuff with it. Such as:

my_auto_parts = autoparts() 

See what happened? autoparts() was called and it returned the parts_dict and we stored it into the my_auto_parts variable. Now we can use this variable to access the dictionary object and it continues to live even though the function call is over. We then printed out the object in the dictionary with the key 'engine'.

For a good tutorial, check out dive into python. It's free and very easy to follow.

The difference between ‘print’ and ‘return’ in Python

print() sends output to your console via standard output. return sends output to whatever called your function. If you want to use recursion, you need to use a return statement, not print().

Here's an example:

def sum2(l):
if l == []:
return 0
return l[0] + sum2(l[1:])

sum2([1, 2, 3])
# 6

This is recursive because the return statement contains a call to the function itself. Generally, a good thing to learn about in a computer science class but a bad thing to do in production code.

What is the formal difference between print and return?

Dramatically different things. Imagine if I have this python program:

#!/usr/bin/env python

def printAndReturnNothing():
x = "hello"

def printAndReturn():
x = "hello"
return x

def main():
ret = printAndReturn()
other = printAndReturnNothing()

print("ret is: %s" % ret)
print("other is: %s" % other)

if __name__ == "__main__":

What do you expect to be the output?

ret is : hello
other is: None


Why? Because print takes its arguments/expressions and dumps them to standard output, so in the functions I made up, print will output the value of x, which is hello.

  • printAndReturn will return x to the caller of the method, so:

    ret = printAndReturn()

ret will have the same value as x, i.e. "hello"

  • printAndReturnNothing doesn't return anything, so:

    other = printAndReturnNothing()

other actually becomes None because that is the default return from a python function. Python functions always return something, but if no return is declared, the function will return None.


Going through the python tutorial will introduce you to these concepts:

Here's something about functions form python's tutorial:

This example, as usual, demonstrates some new Python features:

The return statement returns with a value from a function. return without an expression argument returns None. Falling off the end of a function also returns None.

Why is None printed after my function's output?

It's the return value of the function, which you print out. If there is no return statement (or just a return without an argument), an implicit return None is added to the end of a function.

You probably want to return the values in the function instead of printing them:

def jiskya(x, y):
if x > y:
return y
return x

print(jiskya(2, 3))

python - difference between print and return

Return stops execution of a whole function and gives the value back to the callee (hence the name return). Because you call it in a for loop, it executes on the first iteration, meaning it runs once then stops execution. Take this as an example:

def test():
for x in range(1, 5):
return x


This will give the following output:


This is because the for loop starts at 1, prints 1, but then stops all execution at the return statement and returns 1, the current x.

Return is nowhere near the same as print. Print prints to output, return returns a given value to the callee. Here's an example:

def add(a, b):
return a + b

This function returns a value of a+b back to the callee:

c = add(3, 5)

In this case, c, when assigning, called add. The result is then returned to c, the callee, and is stored.

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