Ensure a Single Instance of an Application in Linux

Ensure a single instance of an application in Linux

There are several common techniques including using semaphores. The one I see used most often is to create a "pid lock file" on startup that contains the pid of the running process. If the file already exists when the program starts up, open it up and grab the pid inside, check to see if a process with that pid is running, if it is check the cmdline value in /proc/pid to see if it is an instance of your program, if it is then quit, otherwise overwrite the file with your pid. The usual name for the pid file is application_name.pid.

How to create a single instance application in C or C++

A good way is:

#include <sys/file.h>
#include <errno.h>

int pid_file = open("/var/run/whatever.pid", O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0666);
int rc = flock(pid_file, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB);
if(rc) {
if(EWOULDBLOCK == errno)
; // another instance is running
else {
// this is the first instance

Note that locking allows you to ignore stale pid files (i.e. you don't have to delete them). When the application terminates for any reason the OS releases the file lock for you.

Pid files are not terribly useful because they can be stale (the file exists but the process does not). Hence, the application executable itself can be locked instead of creating and locking a pid file.

A more advanced method is to create and bind a unix domain socket using a predefined socket name. Bind succeeds for the first instance of your application. Again, the OS unbinds the socket when the application terminates for any reason. When bind() fails another instance of the application can connect() and use this socket to pass its command line arguments to the first instance.

Make sure only a single instance of a program is running

The following code should do the job, it is cross-platform and runs on Python 2.4-3.2. I tested it on Windows, OS X and Linux.

from tendo import singleton
me = singleton.SingleInstance() # will sys.exit(-1) if other instance is running

The latest code version is available singleton.py. Please file bugs here.

You can install tend using one of the following methods:

  • easy_install tendo
  • pip install tendo
  • manually by getting it from http://pypi.python.org/pypi/tendo

Single instance dotnetcore cli app on linux

Variation of @MusuNaji's solution at: How to restrict a program to a single instance

    private static bool AlreadyRunning()
Process[] processes = Process.GetProcesses();
Process currentProc = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
logger.LogDebug("Current proccess: {0}", currentProc.ProcessName);
foreach (Process process in processes)
if (currentProc.ProcessName == process.ProcessName && currentProc.Id != process.Id)
logger.LogInformation("Another instance of this process is already running: {pid}", process.Id);
return true;
return false;

Ensure a single instance of an application in Linux

There are several common techniques including using semaphores. The one I see used most often is to create a "pid lock file" on startup that contains the pid of the running process. If the file already exists when the program starts up, open it up and grab the pid inside, check to see if a process with that pid is running, if it is check the cmdline value in /proc/pid to see if it is an instance of your program, if it is then quit, otherwise overwrite the file with your pid. The usual name for the pid file is application_name.pid.

Java Application with Single Instance per User

Sockets will be a bit problematic if you want the application to run concurrently under different users.

The option of using an NIO FileLock is possible. You create the file under the user's directory so that another user can have his own lock file. The key thing to do here is to still try to acquire the file lock if the file exists already, by attempting to delete it before recreating it. This way if the application crashes and the file is still there, you will still be able to acquire a lock on it. Remember that the OS should release all locks, open file handles and system resources when a process terminates.

Something like this:

 public ExclusiveApplicationLock
throws Exception {

private final File file;
private final FileChannel channel;
private final FileLock lock;

private ExclusiveApplicationLock() {

String homeDir = System.getProperty("user.home");

file = new File(homeDir + "/.myapp", app.lock");
if (file.exists()) {

channel = new RandomAccessFile(file, "rw").getChannel();
lock = channel.tryLock();
if (lock == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Application already running.");

Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(() -> releaseLock());

private void releaseLock() {
try {
if (lock != null) {
catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to release application process lock", ex);

Another alternative is to use a library that does this for you like Junique. I haven't tried it myself but you could have a go. It seems very old but I guess there isn't much that needs to change in something like this, nothing much changed in NIO since Java 1.4.


It is on Maven Central though so you can import it easily.

If you look at the code you will see that it does the same thing with file locks:

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