What Do I Use on Linux to Make a Python Program Executable

What do I use on linux to make a python program executable

Just put this in the first line of your script :

#!/usr/bin/env python

Make the file executable with

chmod +x myfile.py

Execute with


Executable Python program with all dependencies for Linux

Use PyInstaller in Linux based systems
PyInstaller is a program used to convert Python scripts into standalone deployable applications.

Install PyInstaller from PyPI:

pip install pyinstaller

Go to your program’s directory and run:

pyinstaller yourprogram.py

This will generate the bundle in a subdirectory called dist

You can use -onefile argument in order to generate the bundle with
only a single executable file.

How can I make a Python script standalone executable to run without ANY dependency?

You can use py2exe as already answered and use Cython to convert your key .py files in .pyc, C compiled files, like .dll in Windows and .so on Linux.

It is much harder to revert than common .pyo and .pyc files (and also gain in performance!).

How do I make a python script executable?

  1. Add a shebang line to the top of the script:

    #!/usr/bin/env python

  2. Mark the script as executable:

    chmod +x myscript.py

  3. Add the dir containing it to your PATH variable. (If you want it to stick, you'll have to do this in .bashrc or .bash_profile in your home dir.)

    export PATH=/path/to/script:$PATH

How to create a Linux executable file using python code

Basically, to make a file executable in Unix systems, you just have to do one thing: allow it to be executed (very surprising ;) ). To do it, you must use the chmod command as follows: chmod +x youfile.py. The +x add the right to be executed.

Now, your system will allow you to execute the script, but for now it's just a simple text file... Ubuntu doesn't know that he must use the python command to run it, so you'll have undermined comportment. To resolve this, we use the sha-bang line (for more information, see the wikipedia page): at the first line of your script, you must write #! program_to_use, in your case it's python. Generally, we take benefit of the env variables, and use #! /usr/bin/env python, but you can also choose yourself the version of python you want, doing #! /usr/bin/pythonX.X where X.X is the version of python.

How transform a python program .py in an executable program in Ubuntu?

There is no need to. You can mark the file as executable using

chmod +x filename

Make sure it has a shebang line in the first line:

#!/usr/bin/env python

And your linux should be able to understand that this file must be interpreted with python. It can then be 'executed' as


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