Format Output String, Right Alignment

Format output string, right alignment

Try this approach using the newer str.format syntax:

line_new = '{:>12}  {:>12}  {:>12}'.format(word[0], word[1], word[2])

And here's how to do it using the old % syntax (useful for older versions of Python that don't support str.format):

line_new = '%12s  %12s  %12s' % (word[0], word[1], word[2])

How do I right align my string? in python

you can format your string to be padded and aligned inside an f-string. In this case i use the > to donate right aligned and use the value of longest to tell it how much to pad/align it by

strings = ['abc', 'de', 'fghijklmn']
longest = len(max(strings, key=len))
print("\n".join([f"{string: >{longest}}" for string in strings]))



C how do I right align string and float

Get rid of the minus in your format statement.



#include <stdio.h>

int main()
printf("%15s %5d %5.2f 0x%08X\n", "hello", 42, 3.14, 0xDEAD);
return 0;


$ ./main.exe
hello 42 3.14 0x0000DEAD

How to set a variable space with right alignment for a string in Python?

Your problem is operator order - the + for string concattenation is weaker then the method call in

'{:>' + str(space) + 's}'.format(str(bin(i))[2:])

. Thats why you call the .format(...) only on "s}" - not the whole string. And thats where the

ValueError: Single '}' encountered in format string

comes from.

Putting the complete formatstring into parenthesis before applying .format to it fixes that.

You also need 1 more space for binary and can skip some str() that are not needed:

def print_formatted(number):
space=len(str(bin(number))[2:])+1 # fix here
for i in range(1,number+1):
print('{:2d}'.format(i), end='')
print('{:>3s}'.format(oct(i)[2:]), end='')
print('{:>3s}'.format(hex(i)[2:]), end='')
print(('{:>'+str(space)+'s}').format(bin(i)[2:])) # fix here



 1  1  1     1
2 2 2 10
3 3 3 11
4 4 4 100
5 5 5 101
6 6 6 110
7 7 7 111
8 10 8 1000
9 11 9 1001
10 12 a 1010
11 13 b 1011
12 14 c 1100
13 15 d 1101
14 16 e 1110
15 17 f 1111
16 20 10 10000
17 21 11 10001

From your given output above you might need to prepend this by 2 spaces - not sure if its a formatting error in your output above or part of the restrictions.

You could also shorten this by using f-strings (and removing superflous str() around bin, oct, hex: they all return a strings already).

Then you need to calculate the the numbers you use to your space out your input values:

def print_formatted(number):
de,bi,oc,he = len(str(number)), len(bin(number)), len(oct(number)), len(hex(number))

for i in range(1,number+1):
print(f' {i:{de}d}{oct(i)[2:]:>{oc}s}{hex(i)[2:]:>{he}s}{bin(i)[2:]:>{bi}s}')


to accomodate other values then 17, f.e. 128:

    1    1   1         1
2 2 2 10
3 3 3 11
8 10 8 1000
16 20 10 10000
32 40 20 100000
64 100 40 1000000
128 200 80 10000000

How to right align the output according to the length of the largest word in a list in python 3.xx

Option 1
Pre-compute the length of the largest string and pass it as a separate parameter to format.

l = len(max(a, key=len))

for i in a:
print("{n:>{w}}".format(n=i, w=l))


Option 2
An alternative using str.rjust:

for i in a:
print(i.rjust(l)) # same `l` as computed in Option 1


Option 3
You can also print a dump of pd.Series.to_string:

import pandas as pd

0 bicycle
1 airplane
2 car
3 boat

Other tabulation packages (I use tabulate) can also be used to good effect here.

Align text to right in C

You can use printf("%*s", <width>, "a"); to print any text right aligned by variable no. of spaces.

Check here live.

Right Justify python

You can use format with > to right justify

N = 10
for i in range(1, N+1):



You can programattically figure out how far to right-justify using rjust as well.

for i in range(1, N+1):

How to right align with positive symbol and comma separator in Python print?

From the format string documentation, you should have the sign goes after the alignment. In this case, you should change the format string from

"{:<8} {:+>10,}"


"{:<8} {:>+10,}"

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