Best Way to Join/Merge by Range in Pandas

Best way to join / merge by range in pandas


Consider the dataframes A and B

A = pd.DataFrame(dict(
A_value=range(5, 105, 10)
B = pd.DataFrame(dict(
B_low=[0, 30, 30, 46, 84],
B_high=[10, 40, 50, 54, 84]


A_id A_value
0 0 5
1 1 15
2 2 25
3 3 35
4 4 45
5 5 55
6 6 65
7 7 75
8 8 85
9 9 95


B_high B_id B_low
0 10 0 0
1 40 1 30
2 50 2 30
3 54 3 46
4 84 4 84


The ✌easiest✌ way is to use numpy broadcasting.

We look for every instance of A_value being greater than or equal to B_low while at the same time A_value is less than or equal to B_high.

a = A.A_value.values
bh = B.B_high.values
bl = B.B_low.values

i, j = np.where((a[:, None] >= bl) & (a[:, None] <= bh))

A.loc[i, :].reset_index(drop=True),
B.loc[j, :].reset_index(drop=True)
], axis=1)

A_id A_value B_high B_id B_low
0 0 5 10 0 0
1 3 35 40 1 30
2 3 35 50 2 30
3 4 45 50 2 30

To address the comments and give something akin to a left join, I appended the part of A that doesn't match.

A.loc[i, :].reset_index(drop=True),
B.loc[j, :].reset_index(drop=True)
], axis=1).append(
A[~np.in1d(np.arange(len(A)), np.unique(i))],
ignore_index=True, sort=False

A_id A_value B_id B_low B_high
0 0 5 0.0 0.0 10.0
1 3 35 1.0 30.0 40.0
2 3 35 2.0 30.0 50.0
3 4 45 2.0 30.0 50.0
4 1 15 NaN NaN NaN
5 2 25 NaN NaN NaN
6 5 55 NaN NaN NaN
7 6 65 NaN NaN NaN
8 7 75 NaN NaN NaN
9 8 85 NaN NaN NaN
10 9 95 NaN NaN NaN

Merge/Join in pandas based on date in range of min/max dates in another df

I found my way.

I added Series, and added the condition in the i, j = np.where((a[:, None] >= bl) & (a[:, None] <= bh)) of the related topic

Now I have:

a = A.A_value.values
aId = A.A_id.values
bId = B.B_id.values
bh = B.B_high.values
bl = B.B_low.values

i, j = np.where((a[:, None] >= bl) & (a[:, None] <= bh) & (aId[:, None] == bId)

This is almost instantaneous for my 80k lines whereas before it took 3 seconds

how to join two dataframes for which column values are within a certain range for multiple columns using pandas dataframe?

Solution 1: Simple Solution for small dataset

For small dataset, you can cross join df1 and df2 by .merge(), then filter by the conditions where the Price is within range and year is within range using .query() specifying the conditions, as follows:

(df1.merge(df2, how='cross')
.query('(Price >= price_start) & (Price <= price_end) & (year >= year_start) & (year <= year_end)')
[['Price', 'year', 'score']]

If your Pandas version is older than 1.2.0 (released in December 2020) and does not support merge with how='cross', you can use:

(df1.assign(key=1).merge(df2.assign(key=1), on='key').drop('key', axis=1)
.query('(Price >= price_start) & (Price <= price_end) & (year >= year_start) & (year <= year_end)')
[['Price', 'year', 'score']]


   Price  year  score
0 10 2001 20
4 70 2002 50
8 50 2010 30

Solution 2: Numpy Solution for large dataset

For large dataset and performance is a concern, you can use numpy broadcasting (instead of cross join and filtering) to speed up the execution time:

We look for Price in df2 is within price range in df1 and year in df2 is within year range in df1:

d2_P = df2.Price.values
d2_Y = df2.year.values

d1_PS = df1.price_start.values
d1_PE = df1.price_end.values
d1_YS = df1.year_start.values
d1_YE = df1.year_end.values

i, j = np.where((d2_P[:, None] >= d1_PS) & (d2_P[:, None] <= d1_PE) & (d2_Y[:, None] >= d1_YS) & (d2_Y[:, None] <= d1_YE))

np.column_stack([df1.values[j], df2.values[i]]),
)[['Price', 'year', 'score']]


   Price  year  score
0 10 2001 20
1 70 2002 50
2 50 2010 30

Performance Comparison

Part 1: Compare for original datasets of 3 rows each:

Solution 1:

(df1.merge(df2, how='cross')
.query('(Price >= price_start) & (Price <= price_end) & (year >= year_start) & (year <= year_end)')
[['Price', 'year', 'score']]

5.91 ms ± 87.3 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

Solution 2:

d2_P = df2.Price.values
d2_Y = df2.year.values

d1_PS = df1.price_start.values
d1_PE = df1.price_end.values
d1_YS = df1.year_start.values
d1_YE = df1.year_end.values

i, j = np.where((d2_P[:, None] >= d1_PS) & (d2_P[:, None] <= d1_PE) & (d2_Y[:, None] >= d1_YS) & (d2_Y[:, None] <= d1_YE))

np.column_stack([df1.values[j], df2.values[i]]),
)[['Price', 'year', 'score']]

703 µs ± 9.29 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)

Benchmark summary: 5.91 ms vs 703 µs, that is 8.4x times faster

Part 2: Compare for datasets with 3,000 and 30,000 rows:

Data Setup:

df1a = pd.concat([df1] * 1000, ignore_index=True)
df2a = pd.concat([df2] * 10000, ignore_index=True)

Solution 1:

(df1a.merge(df2a, how='cross')
.query('(Price >= price_start) & (Price <= price_end) & (year >= year_start) & (year <= year_end)')
[['Price', 'year', 'score']]

27.5 s ± 3.24 s per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

Solution 2:

d2_P = df2a.Price.values
d2_Y = df2a.year.values

d1_PS = df1a.price_start.values
d1_PE = df1a.price_end.values
d1_YS = df1a.year_start.values
d1_YE = df1a.year_end.values

i, j = np.where((d2_P[:, None] >= d1_PS) & (d2_P[:, None] <= d1_PE) & (d2_Y[:, None] >= d1_YS) & (d2_Y[:, None] <= d1_YE))

np.column_stack([df1a.values[j], df2a.values[i]]),
)[['Price', 'year', 'score']]

3.83 s ± 136 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

Benchmark summary: 27.5 s vs 3.83 s, that is 7.2x times faster

Merge pandas dataframes where one value is between two others

As you say, this is pretty easy in SQL, so why not do it in SQL?

import pandas as pd
import sqlite3

#We'll use firelynx's tables:
presidents = pd.DataFrame({"name": ["Bush", "Obama", "Trump"],
"president_id":[43, 44, 45]})
terms = pd.DataFrame({'start_date': pd.date_range('2001-01-20', periods=5, freq='48M'),
'end_date': pd.date_range('2005-01-21', periods=5, freq='48M'),
'president_id': [43, 43, 44, 44, 45]})
war_declarations = pd.DataFrame({"date": [datetime(2001, 9, 14), datetime(2003, 3, 3)],
"name": ["War in Afghanistan", "Iraq War"]})
#Make the db in memory
conn = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
#write the tables
terms.to_sql('terms', conn, index=False)
presidents.to_sql('presidents', conn, index=False)
war_declarations.to_sql('wars', conn, index=False)

qry = '''
start_date PresTermStart,
end_date PresTermEnd, WarStart, Pres
terms join wars on
date between start_date and end_date join presidents on
terms.president_id = presidents.president_id
df = pd.read_sql_query(qry, conn)


         PresTermStart          PresTermEnd             WarStart  Pres
0 2001-01-31 00:00:00 2005-01-31 00:00:00 2001-09-14 00:00:00 Bush
1 2001-01-31 00:00:00 2005-01-31 00:00:00 2003-03-03 00:00:00 Bush

Performing a merge in Pandas on a column containing a Python `range` or list-like

Since it looks like ranges are pretty big, and you are working with integer vales, you can just compute the min, max:

columns = look_up.columns

look_up['minval'] = look_up['col3'].apply(min)
look_up['maxval'] = look_up['col3'].apply(max)

(sample.merge(look_up, on=['col1','col2'], how='left',
.query('minval <= col3 <= maxval')


  col1 col2  col3 col4
1 1b 2b 42 h
2 1a 2b 3 c
5 1a 2a 21 b
6 1b 2a 7 e

pandas merge intervals by range

Here is an answer using pyranges and pandas. It is improved in that it does the merging really quickly, is easily parallelizeable and super duper fast even in single-core mode.


import pandas as pd
import pyranges as pr
import numpy as np

rows = int(1e7)
gr = pr.random(rows)
gr.probability = np.random.rand(rows) = np.arange(rows)

# +--------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+----------------------+-----------+
# | Chromosome | Start | End | Strand | probability | read |
# | (category) | (int32) | (int32) | (category) | (float64) | (int64) |
# |--------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+----------------------+-----------|
# | chr1 | 149953099 | 149953199 | + | 0.7536048547309669 | 0 |
# | chr1 | 184344435 | 184344535 | + | 0.9358130407479777 | 1 |
# | chr1 | 238639916 | 238640016 | + | 0.024212603310159064 | 2 |
# | chr1 | 95180042 | 95180142 | + | 0.027139751993808026 | 3 |
# | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
# | chrY | 34355323 | 34355423 | - | 0.8843190383030953 | 999996 |
# | chrY | 1818049 | 1818149 | - | 0.23138017743097572 | 999997 |
# | chrY | 10101456 | 10101556 | - | 0.3007915302642412 | 999998 |
# | chrY | 355910 | 356010 | - | 0.03694752911338561 | 999999 |
# +--------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+----------------------+-----------+
# Stranded PyRanges object has 1,000,000 rows and 6 columns from 25 chromosomes.
# For printing, the PyRanges was sorted on Chromosome and Strand.


def praderas(df):
grpby = df.groupby("Cluster")
prob = grpby.probability.sum() = "ProbSum"
n = = "Count"

return df.merge(prob, on="Cluster").merge(n, on="Cluster")

%time result = gr.cluster().apply(praderas)
# 11.4s !
result[result.Count > 2]
# +--------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------------+-----------+
# | Chromosome | Start | End | Strand | probability | read | Cluster | ProbSum | Count |
# | (category) | (int32) | (int32) | (category) | (float64) | (int64) | (int32) | (float64) | (int64) |
# |--------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------------+-----------|
# | chr1 | 52952 | 53052 | + | 0.7411051557901921 | 59695 | 70 | 2.2131010082513884 | 3 |
# | chr1 | 52959 | 53059 | + | 0.9979036360671423 | 356518 | 70 | 2.2131010082513884 | 3 |
# | chr1 | 53029 | 53129 | + | 0.47409221639405397 | 104776 | 70 | 2.2131010082513884 | 3 |
# | chr1 | 64657 | 64757 | + | 0.32465233067499366 | 386140 | 88 | 1.3880589602361695 | 3 |
# | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
# | chrY | 59356855 | 59356955 | - | 0.3877207561218887 | 9966373 | 8502533 | 1.182153891322546 | 4 |
# | chrY | 59356865 | 59356965 | - | 0.4007557656399032 | 9907364 | 8502533 | 1.182153891322546 | 4 |
# | chrY | 59356932 | 59357032 | - | 0.33799123310907786 | 9978653 | 8502533 | 1.182153891322546 | 4 |
# | chrY | 59356980 | 59357080 | - | 0.055686136451676305 | 9994845 | 8502533 | 1.182153891322546 | 4 |
# +--------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+----------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------------+-----------+
# Stranded PyRanges object has 606,212 rows and 9 columns from 24 chromosomes.
# For printing, the PyRanges was sorted on Chromosome and Strand.

How to join two dataframes for which column values are within a certain range?

One simple solution is create interval index from start and end setting closed = both then use get_loc to get the event i.e (Hope all the date times are in timestamps dtype )

df_2.index = pd.IntervalIndex.from_arrays(df_2['start'],df_2['end'],closed='both')
df_1['event'] = df_1['timestamp'].apply(lambda x : df_2.iloc[df_2.index.get_loc(x)]['event'])

Output :

timestamp A B event
0 2016-05-14 10:54:33 0.020228 0.026572 E1
1 2016-05-14 10:54:34 0.057780 0.175499 E2
2 2016-05-14 10:54:35 0.098808 0.620986 E2
3 2016-05-14 10:54:36 0.158789 1.014819 E2
4 2016-05-14 10:54:39 0.038129 2.384590 E3

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