Scraping: Ssl: Certificate_Verify_Failed Error for Http://En.Wikipedia.Org


Once upon a time I stumbled with this issue. If you're using macOS go to Macintosh HD > Applications > Python3.6 folder (or whatever version of python you're using) > double click on "Install Certificates.command" file. :D


If you just want to bypass verification, you can create a new SSLContext. By default newly created contexts use CERT_NONE.

Be careful with this as stated in section

When calling the SSLContext constructor directly, CERT_NONE is the default. Since it does not authenticate the other peer, it can be insecure, especially in client mode where most of time you would like to ensure the authenticity of the server you’re talking to. Therefore, when in client mode, it is highly recommended to use CERT_REQUIRED.

But if you just want it to work now for some other reason you can do the following, you'll have to import ssl as well:

input = input.replace("!web ", "")      
url = "" + input
req = urllib2.Request(url, headers={ 'X-Mashape-Key': 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' })
gcontext = ssl.SSLContext() # Only for gangstars
info = urllib2.urlopen(req, context=gcontext).read()
Message.Chat.SendMessage ("" + info)

This should get round your problem but you're not really solving any of the issues, but you won't see the [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] because you now aren't verifying the cert!

To add to the above, if you want to know more about why you are seeing these issues you will want to have a look at PEP 476.

This PEP proposes to enable verification of X509 certificate signatures, as well as hostname verification for Python's HTTP clients by default, subject to opt-out on a per-call basis. This change would be applied to Python 2.7, Python 3.4, and Python 3.5.

There is an advised opt out which isn't dissimilar to my advice above:

import ssl

# This restores the same behavior as before.
context = ssl._create_unverified_context()
urllib.urlopen("https://no-valid-cert", context=context)

It also features a highly discouraged option via monkeypatching which you don't often see in python:

import ssl

ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context

Which overrides the default function for context creation with the function to create an unverified context.

Please note with this as stated in the PEP:

This guidance is aimed primarily at system administrators that wish to adopt newer versions of Python that implement this PEP in legacy environments that do not yet support certificate verification on HTTPS connections. For example, an administrator may opt out by adding the monkeypatch above to in their Standard Operating Environment for Python. Applications and libraries SHOULD NOT be making this change process wide (except perhaps in response to a system administrator controlled configuration setting).

If you want to read a paper on why not validating certs is bad in software you can find it here!

SSL: certificate_verify_failed error when scraping

The problem is not in your code but in the web site you are trying to access. When looking at the analysis by SSLLabs you will note:

This server's certificate chain is incomplete. Grade capped to B.

This means that the server configuration is wrong and that not only python but several others will have problems with this site. Some desktop browsers work around this configuration problem by trying to load the missing certificates from the internet or fill in with cached certificates. But other browsers or applications will fail too, similar to python.

To work around the broken server configuration you might explicitly extract the missing certificates and add them to you trust store. Or you might give the certificate as trust inside the verify argument. From the documentation:

You can pass verify the path to a CA_BUNDLE file or directory with
certificates of trusted CAs:

>>> requests.get('', verify='/path/to/certfile') 

This list of trusted CAs can also be specified through the
REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE environment variable.

ssl.SSLCertVerificationError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: certificate has expired (_ssl.c:997)

Picking up on the comment by @salparadise, the following worked for me:

session.get("", ssl=False)

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