Permissionerror: [Errno 13] in Python

PermissionError: [Errno 13] in Python

When doing;

a_file = open('E:\Python Win7-64-AMD 3.3\Test', encoding='utf-8')'re trying to open a directory as a file, which may (and on most non UNIX file systems will) fail.

Your other example though;

a_file = open('E:\Python Win7-64-AMD 3.3\Test\a.txt', encoding='utf-8')

should work well if you just have the permission on a.txt. You may want to use a raw (r-prefixed) string though, to make sure your path does not contain any escape characters like \n that will be translated to special characters.

a_file = open(r'E:\Python Win7-64-AMD 3.3\Test\a.txt', encoding='utf-8')

PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied in python project

You need to run with sudo, as stated in the installation instructions you linked. As you see, the error comes from trying to bind a socket to a port. Most probably it's trying to use a privileged port (<1024), which can only be done with elevated permissions (ie sudo).

Python .exe PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied

I solved the issue. My antivirus was blocking file creation.

Additionally, I'd suggest sticking with python's standard syntax regarding files.

import os

SELF_PATH = os.path.dirname(__file__)
with open(f'{SELF_PATH}/{file_name}.pdf', 'wb') as output:

PermissionError: [errno 13] permission denied when running python script in Windows 10

imagePath1 = "C:\\Users\\username\\Downloads" is not a filename. You're trying to copy a file over the top of a directory. You need to add the file name to the end of that string.

PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: Python

I can only guess here but the error that you are getting is because Python is trying to open a directory as a file (which won't work).

It looks like the path that you are passing in to --model_path is a directory but torch.load() expects a file, that would explain it.

I would start with understanding what exactly the script does and how it works.

Errno 13 Permission denied Python

Your user don't have the right permissions to read the file, since you used open() without specifying a mode.

Since you're using Windows, you should read a little more about File and Folder Permissions.

Also, if you want to play with your file permissions, you should right-click it, choose Properties and select Security tab.

Or if you want to be a little more hardcore, you can run your script as admin.

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PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied when saving a txt file with pyinstaller

I managed to make it work by uninstalling and reinstalling anaconda (from Python 3.7 to Python 3.9)

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