Passing Functions with Arguments to Another Function in Python

Passing functions with arguments to another function in Python?

Do you mean this?

def perform(fun, *args):

def action1(args):
# something

def action2(args):
# something

perform(action2, p)
perform(action3, p, r)

passing functions and its arguments to another function

Something like this would work:

def no_arg():
return 5

def one_arg(x):
return x

def multiple_args(x, y):
return x * y

def function_results_sum(*args, **kwargs):
result = 0
for func in args:
result += func(*kwargs[func.__name__])
return result


no_arg, one_arg, multiple_args,
one_arg=(23, ),


The only difference between what you are asking is that you have to put args in a tuple to then unpack as args to pass in later.

If you dont want to have to supply anything for no argument functions, you can double check if the func name is in kwargs:

def function_results_sum(*args, **kwargs):
result = 0
for func in args:
if func.__name__ i kwargs:
result += func(*kwargs[func.__name__])
result += func()
return result

How to pass functions with arguments as parameter to another function in python with function name as a string?

Replace eval(function_name)(img,parameter) with:


Note that your desired function should be in the same module in my answer, if it is not, read this link or This about globals and locals in python to find the best thing for your problem.

Also, you can access a function of another module with getattr, like this:

getattr(module, func)(*args, **kwargs)

How to pass function as an argument to another function, without running it automatically

The problem is that you are calling your function when you're trying to pass it as a parameter. Instead of passing it as someFunction(...), pass it as someFunction.


a = testObject("testName2", someFunction )

instead of what you have. This will pass the function 'object', ready to be called. Then, inside the other function, simply do:

def testObject(name, funct):
if name == "testName":
b = funct([0,0,0], 1, 6)

I assume you'd want to pass the values as different arguments, as I assume these aren't constants, but this should be enough to guide you.

If you want to pass it in with arguments already set, I'd definitely give a look into functools.partial, but keep in mind that it might become a bit messy.

For partial:

from functools import partial

partial_function = partial(someFunction, [0,0,0], 1, 6)
a = testObject("testName2", partial_function )

def testObject(name, funct):
if name == "testName":
b = funct()

Best Way to Pass Arguments from One Function to Another in Python

do_lots_of_stuff("Bob","Mary",activity_1='run',activity_2='jump', eat_fruit_args=["John"], eat_fruit_kwargs={"a_number": 5, "a_fruit": "apples"}):
eat_fruit(*eat_fruit_args, **eat_fruit_kwargs)
return(f'''{a} and {b} {activity_1} and {activity_2}''')

You can pass and forward arguments and keyword arguments. Arguments are in the form of a list. Keyword arguments (kwargs) are in the form of a dictionary, with the key as a string, and the value as the correlating keyword value.

Python: passing a function with parameters as parameter

Why not do:

big(lite, (1, 2, 3))


Then you can do:

def big(func, args):

Pass all arguments of a function to another function

The standard way to pass on all arguments is as @JohnColeman suggested in a comment:

class ClassWithPrintFunctionAndReallyBadName:
def print(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.condition:
print(*args, **kwargs)

As parameters, *args receives a tuple of the non-keyword (positional) arguments, and **kwargs is a dictionary of the keyword arguments.

When calling a function with * and **, the former tuple is expanded as if the parameters were passed separately and the latter dictionary is expanded as if they were keyword parameters.

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