Boto3 Client Noregionerror: You Must Specify a Region Error Only Sometimes

boto3 client NoRegionError: You must specify a region error only sometimes

One way or another you must tell boto3 in which region you wish the kms client to be created. This could be done explicitly using the region_name parameter as in:

kms = boto3.client('kms', region_name='us-west-2')

or you can have a default region associated with your profile in your ~/.aws/config file as in:


or you can use an environment variable as in:

export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-west-2

but you do need to tell boto3 which region to use.

botocore.exceptions.NoRegionError: You must specify a region. when deploying to ECR

You must inform Boto3 in which region you want to use the sqs resource.

Set region_name in for sqs resource.

sqs = resource('sqs', region_name='us-west-2')


set AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environment variable in

os.environ['AWS_DEFAULT_REGION'] = 'us-west-2'


Set AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environment variable in Dockerfile



Set environment variable in ECS task definition

Python boto3 creating EC2 instance says An error occurred (VPCIdNotSpecified)

The boto3 library cannot tell you all the validation rules implemented by the underlying AWS services.

In this case, I suspect, you are deploying from an AWS account into a region that, in combination, does not support EC2 Classic and hence VPC is necessary. However, you do not have a default VPC in this region, hence the EC2 service cannot infer which VPC you want to deploy the EC2 instance into.

You must therefore indicate a VPC when launching the instance(s) and you do that by supplying SubnetId.

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