Expanding Tuples into Arguments

Expanding tuples into arguments

myfun(*some_tuple) does exactly what you request. The * operator simply unpacks the tuple (or any iterable) and passes them as the positional arguments to the function. Read more about unpacking arguments.

tuples as function arguments

For convenience, Python constructs a temporary tuple as needed for an assignment statement. Thus, all three of your assignment statements are exactly the same once they reach data movement.

A function call is not an assignment statement; it's a reference mapping. Therefore, the semantics are different.

If you want Python to unpack your tuple into two separate arguments, use the * operator:

f(*(2, 3))

Expand tuple into arguments while casting them?

Yeah, that's doable:

blah = random.randint(*map(int, minmax))

Use map(int, ...) to perform the type conversion.

How to pass tuple as argument in Python?

Add more parentheses:

li.append((3, 'three'))

Parentheses with a comma create a tuple, unless it's a list of arguments.

That means:

()    # this is a 0-length tuple
(1,) # this is a tuple containing "1"
1, # this is a tuple containing "1"
(1) # this is number one - it's exactly the same as:
1 # also number one
(1,2) # tuple with 2 elements
1,2 # tuple with 2 elements

A similar effect happens with 0-length tuple:

type() # <- missing argument
type(()) # returns <type 'tuple'>

Expanding tuples in python

If you want to use the format method instead, you can just do:

"{0}{2}{3}{1}".format(a, b, *tup)

You have to name every paramater after tup because the syntax for unpacking tuples to function calls using * requires this.

python tuples: unpacking into a list using *args

You can use the list.extend method instead:

def add_grades(*args):
return grades

Expanding tuple arguments while casting to different types

If you use Python 3.8+, you can use assignment expression :=

def foo():
return ('s', '1')

x, y = (v:=foo())[0], int(v[1])
print(x, y)


s 1

How to pass tuple as arguments in order to sequentially apply functions with multiple return values in stable Rust?

You can't do that exactly in stable, but you can cover most of the functions with a macro:

trait Apply<Args> {
type Output;
fn apply(&self, args: Args) -> Self::Output;

macro_rules! impl_apply {
// Empty case
() => {};
($first_generic:ident $($other_generics:ident)*) => {

impl<$first_generic, $($other_generics,)* Ret, Func>
Apply<($first_generic, $($other_generics,)*)>
for Func
Func: Fn($first_generic, $($other_generics,)*) -> Ret,
type Output = Ret;
fn apply(
($first_generic, $($other_generics,)*): ($first_generic, $($other_generics,)*),
) -> Self::Output {
self($first_generic, $($other_generics,)*)
impl<Ret, Func> Apply<()> for Func
Func: Fn() -> Ret,
type Output = Ret;
fn apply(&self, (): ()) -> Self::Output {
impl_apply!(A B C D E F G H I J K L M);


This macro covers all functions up to 13 arguments.

Pass in tuple to multi-argument function

As the error message states, Python does not allow you to have unnamed arguments after *arg.

Therefore, you need to explicitly name third:

>>> def producer():
... return ('a','b')
>>> def consumer(first, second, third):
... print first+second+third
>>> arg = producer()
>>> consumer(*arg, third='c')

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