Passing Extra Arguments Through Connect

Passing extra arguments through connect

The problem can be solved in 2 ways:

Using lambda functions:

In general:

    obj.signal.connect(lambda param1, param2, ..., arg1=val1, arg2= value2, ... : fun(param1, param2,... , arg1, arg2, ....))

def fun(param1, param2,... , arg1, arg2, ....):


  • param1, param2, ... : are the parameters sent by the signal
  • arg1, arg2, ...: are the extra parameters that you want to spend

In your case:

    self.buttonGroup.buttonClicked['int'].connect(lambda i: self.input(i, "text"))

def input(self, button_or_id, DiffP):
if isinstance(button_or_id, int):
if button_or_id == 0:
elif button_or_id == 1:

Using functools.partial:

In general:

    obj.signal.connect(partial(fun, args1, arg2, ... ))

def fun(arg1, arg2, ..., param1, param2, ...):


  • param1, param2, ... : are the parameters sent by the signal
  • arg1, arg2, ...: are the extra parameters that you want to send

In your case:

from functools import partial

self.buttonGroup.buttonClicked['int'].connect(partial(self.input, "text"))

def input(self, DiffP, button_or_id):
if isinstance(button_or_id, int):
if button_or_id == 0:
elif button_or_id == 1:

QML connect() passing extra arguments

You can create a wrapper function at a place that has access to the currentIndex

function wrapFunctionB(C) {
return function_B(currentIndex, C)

and then connect to this function:


If the place where you connect has access to all parameters, you can also connect it to an anonymous function:

item_A.signal_A.connect(function(C) { function_B(from.where.ever.currentItem, C) })

passing an additional parameter to a function when function is called via event i.e :Connect()

You can use a higher-order function that is called with portal and then returns a function which can use the parameter from the enclosing function:

local function portalTouched(portal)
return function(part)
-- We can use portal in this function
local HRP = part.Parent:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
if not HRP then return end
local DestinationName = portal:FindFirstChildOfClass("Attachment").Name
local Destination = script.Parent:FindFirstChild(DestinationName):FindFirstChild(portal.Name)
HRP.CFrame = Destination.WorldCFrame

for _,portal in pairs(script.Parent:GetChildren())do
if portal:IsA("Script") then continue end

Passing extra arguments to callback function

You can use bind() to pre-define an extra argument to the callback function:

sub.on('message', onSubMessage.bind(sub, socket));

function onSubMessage(socket, channel, message) {
if (channel === 'chat') socket.send(message);

This does create a new function instance for every new connection, so there is probably not a real upside to using a wrapping function in terms of memory usage.

Pass extra arguments to PyQt slot without losing default signal arguments

Your lambda could take an argument:

def connections(self):
my_button.clicked.connect(lambda checked: self.on_button(checked, 'hi'))

def on_button(self, checked, message):
print checked, message # prints "True, hi"

Or you could use functools.partial:

# imports the functools module
import functools

def connections(self):
my_button.clicked.connect(functools.partial(self.on_button, 'hi'))

def on_button(self, message, checked):
print checked, message # prints "True, hi"

python pyQt4 listWidget passing extra arguments

You should use it as follows:

extra_argument = {your value}
listObj.itemClicked.connect(lambda item, extra_argument= extra_argument: self.some_function(item, extra_argument))

def some_function(self, item, extra_argument):

Or you can use partial but the default argument should be at the end:

listObj.itemClicked.connect(partial(self.some_function, extra_argument))

def some_function(self, extra_argument, item):

Pass an extra argument to a callback function

Just create a function(magic) {} as a wrapper callback:

callWithMagic(function(magic) {
return processMagic(magic, 42);

Or using ECMAScript 6: arrow functions:

callWithMagic(magic => processMagic(magic, 42));

Python: Pass extra arguments to callable

You just need a function that wraps cost. A quick way is to use functools.partial.

import functools

def cost(i, j, d, value1, value2):
'Example function'
return i, j, d, value1, value2

# This makes a new function which takes all parameters of `cost` except those
# you've already passed. Here I'm going to set value1 and value2 to 1 and 2
# respectively.
cost_partial = functools.partial(cost, value1=1, value2=2)

# A new function that only accepts the 3 args i, j, d
cost_partial('i', 'j', 'd') # --> ('i', 'j', 'd', 1, 2)

# use as
path = nx.dijkstra_path(graph, src, dst, weight=cost_partial)

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