Print List Without Brackets in a Single Row

Print list without brackets in a single row

print(', '.join(names))

This, like it sounds, just takes all the elements of the list and joins them with ', '.

Print List elements in loop without Brackets and Quote marks

You probably just need to access the zero'th element of the numpy array Title like you did in the first part of the code.

See you did this in the first part:

print('Recipe Recommendations for: {0}'.format(Title[0]))

so do this in the second part:

print(Title[0], "With Distance of ", Distance)

How to remove square brackets from list in Python?

You could convert it to a string instead of printing the list directly:

print(", ".join(LIST))

If the elements in the list aren't strings, you can convert them to string using either repr (if you want quotes around strings) or str (if you don't), like so:

LIST = [1, "foo", 3.5, { "hello": "bye" }]
print( ", ".join( repr(e) for e in LIST ) )

Which gives the output:

1, 'foo', 3.5, {'hello': 'bye'}

Joining multiple lists in a single row, without brackets or quotation marks

Just add the lists:

print('Blahblah %s' % (a + b))

Or use:

print('Blahblah %s' % [*a, *b])

howto print list without brackets and comma python

To print any list in python without spaces, commas and brackets simply do


Python - Print contents of list and include square brackets but not apostrophes

If you are using print(interactive_options) - you get the result of str(interactive_options):

>>> print(interactive_options)
['list', 'heroes', 'villains', 'search', 'reset', 'add', 'remove', 'high', 'battle', 'health', 'quit']
>>> str(interactive_options)
['list', 'heroes', 'villains', 'search', 'reset', 'add', 'remove', 'high', 'battle', 'health', 'quit']

However, you can use join (which returns a string by joining all the elements of an iterable (list, string, tuple), separated by a string separator) to format the output as you wish, like so:

>>> ", ".join(interactive_options)
list, heroes, villains, search, reset, add, remove, high, battle, health, quit

You can add then the brackets and colon to the output:

>>> interactive_options_print = ", ".join(interactive_options)
>>> interactive_options_print = "[" + interactive_options_print + "]:"
>>> interactive_options_print
[list, heroes, villains, search, reset, add, remove, high, battle, health, quit]:

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