Django: Deploying an Application on Heroku with SQLite3 as the Database

Django: Deploying an application on Heroku with sqlite3 as the database

As Heroku's dynos don't have a filesystem that persists across deploys, a file-based database like SQLite3 isn't going to be suitable. It's a great DB for development/quick prototypes, though.

Heroku do have a Postgres offering however that will suit - with a free tier and a basic $9/month tier that are good for hobby/small projects. The biggest benefit over SQLite is that you get backups that you wouldn't get otherwise (plus all the other Postgres features).

There's a guide to updating your to use Postgres here:

SQLite Database not connected in Django Heroku

Is there a specific reason as to why you want to use SQLite on Heroku? A great option would be to use the postgress addon and use SQLite for local development and testing.

See how to connect to postgres in Django: postgres
You can also use the django-heroku package to easily configure your django app.

Can i use sqlite3 for simple django blog application in production on Heroku?

Personnaly i prefer using a robust database for production as mysql or postgresql cause sqlite is only for development purpose and it is not dedicated for the prod environment, think about the fact that you may have many users and data in the future ans it will be so difficult to migrate it from sqlite to another database so it is better to do it now.

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