In Python Interpreter, Return Without " ' "

In Python interpreter, return without '

In the Python interactive prompt, if you return a string, it will be displayed with quotes around it, mainly so that you know it's a string.

If you just print the string, it will not be shown with quotes (unless the string has quotes in it).

>>> 1 # just a number, so no quotes
>>> "hi" # just a string, displayed with quotes
>>> print("hi") # being *printed* to the screen, so do not show quotes
>>> "'hello'" # string with embedded single quotes
>>> print("'hello'") # *printing* a string with embedded single quotes

If you actually do need to remove leading/trailing quotation marks, use the .strip method of the string to remove single and/or double quotes:

>>> print("""'"hello"'""")
>>> print("""'"hello"'""".strip('"\''))

How to return something without quotation marks when using format()

This is because you are seeing the output directly from the console, and the variable is a string so python adds the quotation marks to let you know.

To remove them:


How is return statement different in pycharm and python interpreter?

When you enter an expression in the Python REPL, it evaluates the expression and tries to print out the repr() of the result. repr() calls your object's __repr__(), checks that return value is a string and throws the error.

Outside the REPL (e.g. when you run it in PyCharm) the expression result is simply discarded, repr() is not called so no error is raised.

Return does not output any value, however, print does. Python interpreter problem?

return does not print to output, it just returns function result. You may have seen this printing when using python shell as it does print result for some needed reasons.

For your 1st function to print you must print the called function like this


How to elegantly ignore some return values of a Python function?

The standard way to show this is to assign the results you don't want to _. For instance, if a function returns two values but you only want the first, do this:

value, _ = myfunction(param)

Most Python linters will recognize the use of _ and not complain about unused variables.

If you want to ignore all returns, then simply don't assign to anything; Python doesn't do anything with the result unless you tell it to. Printing the result is a feature in the Python shell only.

Why does typing _ in the Python interpreter return True?

_ will be the result of the last evaluated command - at interpreter start up there isn't any so you'll get a NameError... after that, you'll get the previous result... Try opening a new interpreter and doing 2 + 2... you'll see 4 returned, then type _... eg:

>>> _

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#18>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name '_' is not defined
>>> 2 + 2
>>> _

What is the best way to exit a function (which has no return value) in python before the function ends (e.g. a check fails)?

You could simply use


which does exactly the same as

return None

Your function will also return None if execution reaches the end of the function body without hitting a return statement. Returning nothing is the same as returning None in Python.

how can i remove ' from my output in python

msg1 = "  Facebook already uses AI to Filter Fake stories from the feeds of users"
output = str(msg1.split()).replace("'", "")

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