Determine Whether Integer Is Between Two Other Integers

Determine whether integer is between two other integers

if 10000 <= number <= 30000:

For details, see the docs.

Fastest way to determine if an integer is between two integers (inclusive) with known sets of values

There's an old trick to do this with only one comparison/branch. Whether it'll really improve speed may be open to question, and even if it does, it's probably too little to notice or care about, but when you're only starting with two comparisons, the chances of a huge improvement are pretty remote. The code looks like:

// use a < for an inclusive lower bound and exclusive upper bound
// use <= for an inclusive lower bound and inclusive upper bound
// alternatively, if the upper bound is inclusive and you can pre-calculate
// upper-lower, simply add + 1 to upper-lower and use the < operator.
if ((unsigned)(number-lower) <= (upper-lower))

With a typical, modern computer (i.e., anything using twos complement), the conversion to unsigned is really a nop -- just a change in how the same bits are viewed.

Note that in a typical case, you can pre-compute upper-lower outside a (presumed) loop, so that doesn't normally contribute any significant time. Along with reducing the number of branch instructions, this also (generally) improves branch prediction. In this case, the same branch is taken whether the number is below the bottom end or above the top end of the range.

As to how this works, the basic idea is pretty simple: a negative number, when viewed as an unsigned number, will be larger than anything that started out as a positive number.

In practice this method translates number and the interval to the point of origin and checks if number is in the interval [0, D], where D = upper - lower. If number below lower bound: negative, and if above upper bound: larger than D.

Return if a number is between two values [Python]

Why not sort the bounds first?

r = range(*sorted((4, -1)))
q = range(*sorted((-1, 4)))

How to determines whether two integers are even or odd

Your current code is not checking all four combinations. I would use this logic:

if (num1 + num2) % 2 == 1:
print("One Number is Even and the other is Odd")
elif num1 % 2 == 0 and num2 % 2 == 0:
print("The Numbers are Even")
print("The Numbers are Odd")

Note that the first condition if the above if block rests on that an odd number plus an even number will always result in an odd number, whose mod 2 remainder will be 1.

Check if a variable is between two numbers with Java

I see some errors in your code.

Your probably meant the mathematical term

90 <= angle <= 180, meaning angle in range 90-180.

if (angle >= 90 && angle <= 180) {

// do action

How to elegantly check if a number is within a range?

There are a lot of options:

int x = 30;
if (Enumerable.Range(1,100).Contains(x)) //true

And indeed basic if more elegantly can be written with reversing order in the first check:

if (1 <= x && x <= 100)   //true

Also, check out this SO post for regex options.


  • LINQ solution is strictly for style points - since Contains iterates over all items its complexity is O(range_size) and not O(1) normally expected from a range check.

    More generic version for other ranges (notice that second argument is count, not end):

    if (Enumerable.Range(start, end - start + 1).Contains(x)
  • There is temptation to write if solution without && like 1 <= x <= 100 - that look really elegant, but in C# leads to a syntax error "Operator '<=' cannot be applied to operands of type 'bool' and 'int'"

How do I use both the OR condition and the ' =' and ' =' functions in a single line

You just have to repeat the variable before each condition. Besides, python syntax does not requires parentheses. Try this:

if final_score <= 10 or final_score >= 90:
print(f"Your score is {final_score}, you go together like coke and mentos.")
if final_score >= 40 and final_score <= 50:
print(f"Your score is {final_score}, you are alright together.")
print(f"Your score is {final_score}.")

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