Change One Value Based on Another Value in Pandas

Change one value based on another value in pandas

One option is to use Python's slicing and indexing features to logically evaluate the places where your condition holds and overwrite the data there.

Assuming you can load your data directly into pandas with pandas.read_csv then the following code might be helpful for you.

import pandas
df = pandas.read_csv("test.csv")
df.loc[df.ID == 103, 'FirstName'] = "Matt"
df.loc[df.ID == 103, 'LastName'] = "Jones"

As mentioned in the comments, you can also do the assignment to both columns in one shot:

df.loc[df.ID == 103, ['FirstName', 'LastName']] = 'Matt', 'Jones'

Note that you'll need pandas version 0.11 or newer to make use of loc for overwrite assignment operations. Indeed, for older versions like 0.8 (despite what critics of chained assignment may say), chained assignment is the correct way to do it, hence why it's useful to know about even if it should be avoided in more modern versions of pandas.

Another way to do it is to use what is called chained assignment. The behavior of this is less stable and so it is not considered the best solution (it is explicitly discouraged in the docs), but it is useful to know about:

import pandas
df = pandas.read_csv("test.csv")
df['FirstName'][df.ID == 103] = "Matt"
df['LastName'][df.ID == 103] = "Jones"

Pandas/Python: Set value of one column based on value in another column

one way to do this would be to use indexing with .loc.


In the absence of an example dataframe, I'll make one up here:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'c1': list('abcdefg')})
df.loc[5, 'c1'] = 'Value'

>>> df
0 a
1 b
2 c
3 d
4 e
5 Value
6 g

Assuming you wanted to create a new column c2, equivalent to c1 except where c1 is Value, in which case, you would like to assign it to 10:

First, you could create a new column c2, and set it to equivalent as c1, using one of the following two lines (they essentially do the same thing):

df = df.assign(c2 = df['c1'])
# OR:
df['c2'] = df['c1']

Then, find all the indices where c1 is equal to 'Value' using .loc, and assign your desired value in c2 at those indices:

df.loc[df['c1'] == 'Value', 'c2'] = 10

And you end up with this:

>>> df
c1 c2
0 a a
1 b b
2 c c
3 d d
4 e e
5 Value 10
6 g g

If, as you suggested in your question, you would perhaps sometimes just want to replace the values in the column you already have, rather than create a new column, then just skip the column creation, and do the following:

df['c1'].loc[df['c1'] == 'Value'] = 10
# or:
df.loc[df['c1'] == 'Value', 'c1'] = 10

Giving you:

>>> df
0 a
1 b
2 c
3 d
4 e
5 10
6 g

Change column value based on another column's first characters in pandas

Or use np.where:

df['end_date'] = np.where(df.end_date.str[:4] == '9999', df.start_date.str[:4] + df.end_date.str[4:], df.end_date)

start_date end_date
0 2020-12-25 2020-12-28
1 2021-02-02 2021-02-09
2 2019-02-13 2019-02-15

Change Column value based on part of another column using pandas

Try loc assignment:

df.loc[pd.to_datetime(df['Time']).dt.hour == 2, 'Value'] = 30


df.loc[df['Time'].str[:2] == '02', 'Value'] = 30

pandas replace values condition based on another column

there are many ways to go about this, one of them is

df.loc[df.col1 == 'Yes', 'col2'] = ''


col1 col2
No 23423423
No 13213

Pandas DataFrame: replace all values in a column, based on condition

You need to select that column:

In [41]:
df.loc[df['First Season'] > 1990, 'First Season'] = 1

Team First Season Total Games
0 Dallas Cowboys 1960 894
1 Chicago Bears 1920 1357
2 Green Bay Packers 1921 1339
3 Miami Dolphins 1966 792
4 Baltimore Ravens 1 326
5 San Franciso 49ers 1950 1003

So the syntax here is:

df.loc[<mask>(here mask is generating the labels to index) , <optional column(s)> ]

You can check the docs and also the 10 minutes to pandas which shows the semantics


If you want to generate a boolean indicator then you can just use the boolean condition to generate a boolean Series and cast the dtype to int this will convert True and False to 1 and 0 respectively:

In [43]:
df['First Season'] = (df['First Season'] > 1990).astype(int)

Team First Season Total Games
0 Dallas Cowboys 0 894
1 Chicago Bears 0 1357
2 Green Bay Packers 0 1339
3 Miami Dolphins 0 792
4 Baltimore Ravens 1 326
5 San Franciso 49ers 0 1003

Replace column values based on another dataframe python pandas - better way?

Use the boolean mask from isin to filter the df and assign the desired row values from the rhs df:

In [27]:

df.loc[df.Name.isin(df1.Name), ['Nonprofit', 'Education']] = df1[['Nonprofit', 'Education']]
Name Nonprofit Business Education
0 X 1 1 0
1 Y 1 1 1
2 Z 1 0 1
3 Y 1 1 1

[4 rows x 4 columns]

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